Here are some great links to help reduce the clicking-chore of this great mafia text-based game. 3 great people to make the game much more enjoyable. kudos to them!
Yet another farm game on facebook but this time its by PLAYFISH. It is much more interesting than all the other farm games as there is a RPG element to it. Plenty of quests to unlock and lots of cute animals to purchase.
Start your own farm TODAY! Click here to start play Country Story. I will be posting hot tips on this game soon. Stay tuned!
Are you getting "application spammed" by your friend? Who gives a damn about what his/her name represents or the gazillions of useless quizzes that are showing up on your facebook home page.
You can HIDE these applications OR all posts by the offending friend just by hovering on the top right corner of the post and either select Hide "Friend name" or Hide "Application Name".
Never get another spam from this application or friend again!
Facebook Friend Lists is useful as you can group your real friends under one list, your application "friends" under another list. This allows you to tweak different privacy settings for the different lists of friends, allowing you to only share your profile with your real friends.
How to create a friend list
Click on the 'Friends' at the menubar located at the top of your facebook page.
Click 'Create New List' and a panel pops up.
Give a name for this friend list
Start selecting the people you want in this list.
Setting your privacy settings
Hover on 'Settings' at the menubar located at the top of your facebook page.
Click on 'Privacy Settings'
Click on 'Profile'
You will see the different types of information that is shown to your friends. Simply go to 'Customize' for whichever particular section (ie: Photos Tagged Of You) and choose who can view your photos. The EXCEPT section is where you can include the list of friends that you DO NOT want to view your photos.
Screenshot of your privacy settings page. Credits Alison Driscoll
A Do-It-Yourself Computer is always better than purchasing it from those branded companies like Dell, Compaq, HP, etc. I would know better as I have been building up my own machine for a long time and has also helped friends to set up their own computer. It's really simple and cheap to set up a future-proof machine.
You get to choose the specifications that you desire at a low price. These videos here will teach you what are the parts you need to set up your own computer.
Firstly, you must always get these parts:
Motherboard (to hold all the parts together)
CPU (the brain)
Chassis/Casing (Exterior protection)
Power Supply
Graphic Card (to run the latest games)
RAM (I recommend 2x2gb) DDR2 is fine unless you are rich and want a DDR3
Harddisk. (1 TB is huge and cheap enough)
Now just follow these videos and you are on your way to setting up your own computer.
Step 1: Setting it all up. You do not need the static band, just connect your Power Supply to a power (do not have to switch on) and touching it will Earth yourself.
Step 2: Mounting Power Supply, CPU, Heat-Sink Fan, RAM, MotherBoard
Step 3: Connecting case wires to motherboard and DVD drive
Computer crashes is one of the most horrible thing to happen as you may lose all your data in your computer. Years of photos just wiped out in 1 bad crash is a huge deal and I am sure you do not want to experience it.
Just watch the following video and learn how to back up your important data and files.
My Computer is slowing down, how do I defrag my computer to make it respond faster.
De-fragmenting your computer should be done at least once every month to ensure optimal speed and condition of your files and free up space in the harddisk. Just wait for the video to load, watch the video and you will know how to defrag your computer!