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Tampilkan postingan dengan label Starcraft 2. Tampilkan semua postingan

Starcraft 2 - Outmatched 1v4 AI Glitch Patch 1.1

While trying to unlock several of the Starcraft 2 Outmatched Achievements, I found a bug which is extremely useful in winning 1v4 Very Hard AI. Obviously, with this method, you can also win 1v4 Insane AI. But as there is no achievements for winning 1v4 Insane AI, why bother? :p

Anyway, this glitch is still working for the Latest Patch 1.1 and is obviously for people with an Original Copy of Starcraft 2 as I believe the pirated/cracked game does NOT save achievements.

Alrite, so those trying to unlock 1v4 Outmatched Very Hard AI, follow these steps:
  1. Go to Multiplayer > Custom Game > Create a Game www.pwnthis.net
  2. Choose the Map "Burning Tide"   (The idea of this map is to get 15,000 minerals before the computer)
  3. In the map settings, change the Category from 'Melee' to 'Custom'
  4. Now just add 4 other AI.
  5. Select PROTOSS as YOUR race.
  6. Select Very Hard and ZERG as the 4 AI's race.
  7. Once the game starts, keep building probes.
  8. At 8 supply, build a pylon.
  9. Always chronoboost when it is available! It spawns your probes a lot faster. So just keep making probes, mining and you will unlock this achievement.

    - You will have TWO other expansions. So a total of 3 base at the end.
    - The entire game only required 4 pylons in total.
    - Each base should only have 21 probes MAX 1 base will have 20 probes as 4 pylons are built only.www.pwnthis.net
    - Now, this glitch is...... The 4th AI that is supposed to be your enemy... is COUNTED as your ally. So you get his minerals score too. Therefore it's like a 2v3 but when you win the game, you unlock the 1v4 Very Hard AI achievement. Have fun :p 
Check the screenshot to see what you are doing wrongly. Coz it definitely works. Click on image to enlarge view. 

     Credits: www.pwnthis.net
    Tagged: Starcraft 2, 1v4, insane, very hard, medium, hard, AI, outmatch, achievements, glitch


    Starcraft 2 - Installer

    Download required files [ sharecash | upload | megaupload ] // choose your preferred download link

    Filename: StarCraft_2_SEA_en.exe 100% clean
    Scan finished. 0 out of 17 scanners reported malware.
    Scan taken on:  Thu 5 Aug 2010 06:39:16 (CET) Permalink

    Alright, as many of you were asking for the Starcraft 2 installer, this is the official installer you get from Battlenet. You WILL NEED a bnet account [b.net website] and a valid GAMEKEY. If any of your friends purchased the Starcraft 2 game, they will be given 2 Guest Accounts GameKey. You can use these game key to play with your friends on battlenet. They only last 7 hours or 2 weeks whichever come first. Still pretty good for a trial. Obviously there are ways to bypass this login screen such as cracks and what-nots, but I will not be posting such information as I do not want Blizzard to come knocking on my door =D

    This is a real actual Starcraft 2 installer for South East Asia. Meaning if you want to play on USA bnet severs, you will not be able play. Somehow US version and SEA version differs so make sure you know which version your friends are playing on.With your friend's guest account, you can even "play as guest". Just remember to log out of the bnet account when playing as guest so that it does not eat away your hours. You can play AI skirmish this way.

    Now, you may be wondering why is the game installer so light (3mb). This is because you will STILL NEED to download the game from Blizzard. Just double click the installer and you will be prompted to install the setup files on your computer. Then it will automatically start downloading the files from Blizzard server. It will take you about 6-8 hours depending on how fast your connection is. It took me bout 6hours+ on a cable connection.

    Remember, this is only the game installer. You will need a Battle Net Account with Starcraft 2 added to your game management list in order to play on bnet. You can still play the game's campaign for free if you know what to do but I will not be teaching you how to crack it. Google is your friend.

    Too busy with StarCraft 2 :p

    Starcraft 2. Starcraft 2. Starcraft 2. Starcraft 2. Starcraft 2. Starcraft 2. Starcraft 2. Starcraft 2. Starcraft 2. Starcraft 2. Starcraft 2. Starcraft 2. Starcraft 2. Starcraft 2. Starcraft 2. Starcraft 2. Starcraft 2. Starcraft 2. Starcraft 2. Starcraft 2. Starcraft 2. Starcraft 2. Starcraft 2. Starcraft 2. Starcraft 2. Starcraft 2. Starcraft 2. Starcraft 2. Starcraft 2. Starcraft 2. Starcraft 2. Starcraft 2. Starcraft 2. Starcraft 2.

    Yeap. That's what I am busying with at the moment :p It's really awesome. If you were a Starcraft player, you will be amazed how much better the graphics are now. Protoss Carrier with its Interceptors is a much sleekier and alien-mean looking machine. It's definitely a fun game to play with your friends. Graphics wise, Blizzard has thrown out everything that is possible with today's technology, making it a whole lot "prettier" than WarCraft.
    Alrite, my friends are nudging me now. Will end off this post with an awesome starcraft 2 screenshot.

    Starcraft 2 - Wings of Liberty, Storm of the imperial sanctum

    Dota Style Map in Starcraft 2 :O How will it fare?

    A hugely awaited game by Blizzard has just been launched. A few of my friends have gotten the game and are gashing to me how great it is. As I have played Starcraft before, I can say this is a huge improvement with much better quality graphics (obviously, Starcraft 1 was eons ago), better gameplay and awesome cutscenes!

    I believe in a move to combat piracy, Blizzard has removed the LAN functions in Starcraft 2. So you can only play on Battle.Net. This means that you will not be able to play SC2 on Garena or any LAN emulators =p

    The following video is an introduction to Storm of The Imperial Sanctum. A DOTA inspired map. There will be people who will like Storm of the Imperial Sanctum and obviously people who will hate it too (probably HON and DOTA lovers) But do view the game with a open heart and remember it is still by Blizzard, the same people who brought to you WarCraft.