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Ponzi, Inc // Coins cheat (working as at 17jan)

Credits: yama@free2sw4u

Tools (download tools in the Tools section):
  • charles 3.4.1
  • firefox
  1. Open Ponzi, Inc (click to play)
  2. Open Charles
  3. Do a job (1 minute job)
  4. Wait till it is done and collect the pay. 
  5. In Charles, you should see the url "http://ponzi.fbgames.com"
  6. Expand it to see "jobs/" which will have "perform/" and "complete/"
  7. You should see a line which looks like this "1.xml?gb_sig_in_iframe=........" 
  8. Select both lines which can be found in "perform" and "complete"
  9. After selecting both lines, right click and select "Repeat Advanced"
  10. 10,000 iterations and 5 concurrency. Upon game refresh, you will see your new coins. 

Ponzi, Inc // Coins cheat

 1 of our readers, DeadLycorE has emailed me regarding his cheat on Ponzi, Inc. It's working great so let's all get rich on Ponzi! A really fun corporate game on facebook.

Credits: DeadLycore, Pwnthis    

(if you're sharing this on your site, kindly credit us for our effort. Thank you)

The idea of this cheat is to change the 1 minute job payout into 10 million. Sounds pretty awesome ain't it?
You will immediately reach level 18 with just a single usage of this cheat.


Click to play Ponzi,Inc

  1. Go into Ponzi,Inc
  2. Open Charles Proxy
  3. Do the Job Meeting Planning Meeting (1 minute job)
  4. On Charles, expand 'ponzi.fbgames.com', expand 'jobs/', expand 'perform/'
  5. You will see this line '1.xml?fb_sig_in_iframe_key=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' (x =Numbers)
  6. Right click this line and click Edit. 
  7. Click 'XML Text' at the bottom
  8. You will see something like this


  9. Change it to  
    and click execute. A new xml line will appear
  10. Wait for the job to end, claim the payout.
  11. Refresh Ponzi. While Ponzi is refreshing, go to Charles and right click the new xml line and click 'Repeat'
  12. A new payout with 10million will appear. Cash it! (if this does not appear, refresh the game again as you are probably too quick. Watch video if unclear)


Ponzi, Inc Timer cheat

Click to play Ponzi, your corporate enterprise.

Tools required:
  • ce5.5
  • flash 10
  • browser
  1. Go into Ponzi.
  2. Select browser in ce5.5
  3. Do a job. 
  4. Wait till the timer is below 1 minute. (example-  00:59)
  5.  Scan the seconds (4bytes)
  6. Next scan the decreasing value of the seconds until you have only 1 address left.
  7. You will notice that the value is decreasing according to the timer in the game.
  8. Double click this address and change the value to 0. 
  9. The job will instantaneously be completed.
  10. Do the same job again, and change the value to 0 to get it done immediately.
  11. Note: this cheat works best for high level jobs, find a 30min job and get it done in 1 second :p have fun!

Credits: pwnthis you pwnthis O.O


Ponzi, Inc cheat

Only had time to test out a few loopholes. This is 1 that works which is obviously important instead of posting up something that doesn't even work and waste everyone's time. rofl.

Tools needed:
  • ce5.5
  • browser
  • your brains
  1.  Hover over your experience bar to see Total Profits.
  2. In ce5.5, select browser and scan your current profit value (example: 18155)  
  3. Complete any job in game to earn additional profits.
  4. Next scan the new profit value and only 1 address should remain. Else repeat step 3 and 4. 
  5. Change the value to "100,000" and click 'Do Jobs' in game. Your level will now increase but it will revert back to your normal level on refresh.
  6. However, you are able to DO THE JOB of those high levels, which can actually help u gain more profits. I'm now doing a level 9 job and it's in progress although i am only level 2. 
    Will try to find for more loopholes in the meantime.


Ponzi, Inc :: Facebook new game.


Click PLAY NOW and start on your corporate empire today!

Ponzi Inc. is a fun business tycoon game where you get to build your corporate empire from the ground up. Compete against your friends to build the biggest company, or hire them to work for you.

Tired of working for others? Wish you could be the one calling the shots? Well Ponzi Inc is hiring and now you have the chance to call the shots!

You will start out with 0 employees, so start hiring! There is a daily limit of 4 friends that you can hire each day. Employees help you complete tasks and you can level up faster and unlock more jobs.

Once you have hired some employees to work for YOU, you can ask them to do any jobs as long as you have the requirements. Certain jobs require more than 1 employees or some office equipment such as a computer. Click DO JOB! and just wait for the timer before collecting your money

Kaching! The cash is now rolling in. Work your way up the corporate ladder.

You can check out your office and upgrade it when you have the cash. Items offers perks such as employee motivation, productivity etc. So always upgrade when you can.

And of course, enlarge your office when you find that your current office is small and dingy. Have fun pwning in the corporate world!