Open your Cheat Engine now! If you get a pop-up, no worries. I have the fix for it! Click here to get your Cheat Engine 5.6 Crack to avoid paying $200 a month. [CE Crack]
Note: With nofil2000's latest Gangster City Gift generator, we can all get thousands of Stamina Drink cans which is worth 2 Blue Coins each. But to do so, everyone has to share their tokens at this Group [GS Gifts Group]. With more tokens, we can get more Gifts. So Gangsters, start posting your Tokens!
Note2: Cheat will not work if you did not replace the crossdomain.xml! And if Hotel City does not load because of Fiddler, make sure in AutoResponder, all urls are DELETED except for the latest url. 'How to delete the URLs' : Just select the urls and press Delete on your keyboard.
You will see this line 'crossdomain.xml' Right click it and select Copy > Just URL
Go to the Auto responder tab, and click ADD
The crossdomain line will appear. Ensure only that line is ticked.
Click on the dropdown arrow beside the Save button
Select 'Find a file..'
Browse to the nofil2000 folder and open the crossdomain.xml inside the folder.
Click Save. (watch video if you do not understand these steps)
Click clear cache in Fiddler.
Now look at the nofil2000.html tab.
Click Get ID and wait for your Facebook ID to appear.
Click Get Token and wait for the Token to appear.
A token code will be generated. Copy and paste it in this group 'COLLABORATIVE GIFTS EXCHANGE' to share with fellow cheaters so that everyone can gain more gifts.
Now copy all the token you can see on that page and paste it into the nofil2000.html
Only 1 token each line. I have compiled a list of tokens at the bottom. You guys love me right! Mostly are working.. Some will not work as some people are spamming their tokens so there are repeats -.-
Click GET GIFTS and watch as the gifts are loaded! (note you can also convert the ID to any items you want. Just insert the 'item id'
Once done, enter Gangster City and check out your mail!
Note: If you have noticed, you can convert the tokens to any itemID you want. So if you want to collect all the different items, just conserve your tokens for the different itemID as each token can only be claimed ONCE a day.I recommend '7904'. Stamina Drink Cans!
Credits: nofil2000 has released yet another generator for Hotel City. Tested and working great as at 31st March.
Note: Cheat will not work if you did not replace the crossdomain.xml! And if Hotel City does not load because of Fiddler, make sure in AutoResponder, all urls are DELETED except for the latest url. 'How to delete the URLs' : Just select the urls and press Delete on your keyboard.
You will see this line 'crossdomain.xml' Right click it and select Copy > Just URL
Go to the Auto responder tab, and click ADD
The crossdomain line will appear. Ensure only that line is ticked.
Click on the dropdown arrow beside the Save button
Select 'Find a file..'
Browse to the nofil2000 folder and open the crossdomain.xml inside the folder.
Click Save. (watch video if you do not understand these steps)
Click clear cache in Fiddler.
Now look at the nofil2000.html tab.
Click Get ID and wait for your Facebook ID to appear.
Click Get Token and wait for the Token to appear.
A token code will be generated. Copy and paste it in this group 'COLLABORATIVE GIFTS EXCHANGE' to share with fellow cheaters so that everyone can gain more gifts.
Now copy all the token you can see on that page and paste it into the nofil2000.html
Only 1 token each line. To give you guys a start, I have compiled a short list of tokens below. You guys love me right? :p
Click GET GIFTS and watch as the gifts are loaded! (note you can also convert the ID to any items you want. Just insert the 'item id'
Once done, enter Hotel City and check out your inventory!
Note: If you have noticed, you can convert the tokens to any itemID you want. So if you want to collect all the different Easter items, just conserve your tokens for the different itemID as each token can only be claimed ONCE a day.I recommend '3100001'. Most expensive item in Hotel City! ----------------------------
Credits: nofil2000 has released yet another generator for Country Story. Tested and working great as at 30th March.
Note: Cheat will not work if you did not replace the crossdomain.xml! And if Country Story does not load because of Fiddler, make sure in AutoResponder, all urls are DELETED except for the latest url. 'How to delete the URLs' : Just select the urls and press Delete on your keyboard.
You will see this line 'crossdomain.xml' Right click it and select Copy > Just URL
Go to the Auto responder tab, and click ADD
The crossdomain line will appear. Ensure only that line is ticked.
Click on the dropdown arrow beside the Save button
Select 'Find a file..'
Browse to the nofil2000 folder and open the crossdomain.xml inside the folder.
Click Save
Click clear cache in Fiddler.
Now look at the nofil2000.html tab.
Click Get ID and wait for your Facebook ID to appear.
Click Get Token and wait for the Token to appear.
A token code will be generated. Copy and paste it in this group 'COLLABORATIVE GIFTS EXCHANGE' to share with fellow cheaters so that everyone can gain more gifts.
Now copy all the token you can see on that page and paste it into the nofil2000.html
Only 1 token each line. To give you guys a start, I have compiled a short list of tokens below. You guys love me right? :p
Click GET GIFTS and watch as the gifts are loaded! (note you can also convert the ID to any items you want. Just insert the 'item id'
Once done, enter CS and check your gifts !
Note: If you have noticed, you can convert the tokens to any itemID you want. So if you want to collect all the different Easter items, just conserve your tokens for the different itemID as each token can only be claimed ONCE a day.
For those of you who got too greedy, fell alseep, left the computer with the cheat on and now unable to enter the game due to too many eggs, just give the eggs away to your friends or make a spare account to give the eggs to. You will need an account with a Pet Society Profile Box. See above image.
How to get the Pet Society Box.
Go to Application Settings
Look for Pet Society's Edit Settings.
Click Add. (see above image)
Now go to Profile and Boxes and you will see the Pet Society Box inside.
Log into your facebook account with the eggs error.
Visit whichever Profile with that Pet Society Box.
Click 'Visit'
Use a mouse recorder to Sell all the Eggs.
Once done, click 'Add Coins' at the top left corner.
Click back Home and reenter the game. You should be able to play the game again.
Note: Basically as I have mentioned in the previous post, just try to give away the eggs to another account. Give as many away as you can. It will decrease in amount and eventually you can save the game again. Mouse recorder: ----------------------------
Go out of your house > Visit Friends and bump into a tree.
Go back Home.
Open cheat engine and select browser in the process list.
Tick HEX, Also scan read only mem, 8 bytes
Scan '45C7D8758958498B'
PS: For those who did not heed my warning and has too many eggs, you will have to slowly gift the eggs to your friends. The mayor will appear but the eggs will decrease. Eventually you will reach an amount that can be saved. I had this problem once and this method helped. But if you have an excess of a few thousand eggs, that is the amount you will need to give away. ----------------------------
Credits: nofil2000 has released yet another generator for Restaurant City. Tested and working great as at 28th March.
Note: Cheat will not work if you did not replace the crossdomain.xml! And if Restaurant City does not load because of Fiddler, make sure in AutoResponder, all urls are DELETED except for the latest url. 'How to delete the URLs' : Just select the urls and press Delete on your keyboard.
You will see this line 'crossdomain.xml' Right click it and select Copy > Just URL
Go to the Auto responder tab, and click ADD
The crossdomain line will appear. Ensure only that line is ticked.
Click on the dropdown arrow beside the Save button
Select 'Find a file..'
Browse to the nofil2000 folder and open the crossdomain.xml inside the folder.
Click Save. (watch video if you do not understand these steps)
Click clear cache in Fiddler.
Now look at the nofil2000.html tab.
Click Get ID and wait for your Facebook ID to appear.
Click Get Token and wait for the Token to appear.
A token code will be generated. Copy and paste it in this group 'COLLABORATIVE GIFTS EXCHANGE' to share with fellow cheaters so that everyone can gain more gifts.
Now copy all the token you can see on that page and paste it into the nofil2000.html
Only 1 token each line! Or it will FAIL.
Click GET GIFTS and watch as the gifts are loaded! (note you can also convert the ID to any items you want. Just insert the 'item id'
Once done, enter RC and start opening your presents!
Helpful Tip: This link has a lot of working tokens: [Tokens Link] Note: If you have noticed, you can convert the tokens to any itemID you want. So if you want to collect all the different Easter items, just conserve your tokens for the different itemID as each token can only be claimed ONCE. ----------------------------
Important: Certain steps have changed due to the removal of Luxury Shop. I have switched over to using the FoodShop so read through the steps again. For users who are unable to load PS when fiddler is on, remember to DELETE all URLs in the autoresponder before using this cheat. Just select all the old URL and press Delete on your keyboard.
Download this Important Database [Only for FANS]: Cash Flowers
OMFG IMPORTANT STEP: Click 'Clear cache' in Fiddler. Try to clear your browser cache too.
Go into Pet Society
In Fiddler, search for this line '/game/pets/swf/X.X.X/shops/shopFoodXXXX.dat (the X are digits that changes every update)
Right click this line, copy > just url
Go to Autoresponder (Tick both 'Enable Automatic responses' & 'Permit passthrough...')
Click Add
The url that you copied will appear.
Now click on the arrow at the bottom besides the Save button. See image below.
Select 'Find a File' and browse for the database that you've just downloaded from me. "ShopFood-pwnthisFlowers.xml.Dat"
Click Save
Click Clear Cache and refresh your Pet Society
Enter the Food Shop, Click GROCERY tab at the bottom and you should see all the Cash Flowers. Have fun!
PS: Only people who knows how to use Fiddler will enjoy this cheat. It is definitely working as I have purchased so many of the Cash Flowers. I can only say Learn how to use Fiddler as it is a very helpful tool. ----------------------------
Another week. Another Mysterbox items for you guys who do not want to waste coins opening junk. And also some items from the new WIN OR LOSE boxes. Important: Certain steps have changed due to the removal of Luxury Shop. I have switched over to using the FoodShop so read through the steps again. For users who are unable to load PS when fiddler is on, remember to DELETE all URLs in the autoresponder before using this cheat. Just select all the old URL and press Delete on your keyboard.
The crowns cannot be purchased for some reason that I do not know and some items are over lapping each other, sorry for that but you can still click on the item that you want. And also there is a gray carpet which keeps appearing even though it's not in my shopmaker. No idea why that is so :s lol.
When the dog reaches the ground, your score will pop-up. (Do NOT click the skip/share)
Using a calculator, multiply your score by 8.
Open cheat engine and select your browser. (4bytes)
Scan the value (score multiply 8)
There should be quite a lot of addresses. If there are more than 30, repeat step 2 again.
Select all the addresses and click on the 'Red Arrow' (To select all the addresses, click on the Top address, hold SHIFT, click on the Last address and all will be selected)
All the addresses will appear in the Address Table.
Select all the addresses again.
Right click and select Change Record > Value
Change it to 8000000.
Right click again and select 'Freeze all addresses in this list'
Now play Jumping Dog and you should see your new high score. Refresh/reload. Have fun.
Credits: nofil2000 Tested and working gift generator for Pet Society. Start your Easter gifts collection today! Note: Cheat will not work if you did not replace the crossdomain.xml! And if Pet Society does not load because of Fiddler, make sure in AutoResponder, all urls are DELETED except for the latest url. 'How to delete the URLs' : Just select the urls and press Delete on your keyboard.
You will see this line 'crossdomain.xml' Right click it and select Copy > Just URL
Go to the Auto responder tab, and click ADD
The crossdomain line will appear. Ensure only that line is ticked.
Click on the dropdown arrow beside the Save button
Select 'Find a file..'
Browse to the nofil2000 folder and open the crossdomain.xml inside the folder.
Click Save. (watch video if you do not understand these steps)
Click clear cache in Fiddler.
Now look at the nofil2000.html tab.
Click Get Token and wait
A token code will be generated. Copy and paste it in this group 'COLLABORATIVE GIFTS EXCHANGE' to share with fellow cheaters so that everyone can gain more gifts.
Now copy all the token you can see on that page and paste it into the nofil2000.html
Only 1 token each line. To give you guys a start, I have compiled a short list of tokens below. You guys love me right? :p
Once pasted, click GET ID and wait for your facebook id to appear. (if not appearing, you did not log in your facbook duhs!!)
Once ID shows up, click GET GIFTS and watch as the gifts are loaded!
Once done, enter Pet Society and start opening your presents!
To remove Pet's animation to collect gifts fast,
Open cheat engine, select browser in process list
Select Array of bytes, Also scan read-only
Scan "8B403C8945E88B45e885c0"
1 address, disassemble.
Right click selected code > Replace with code that does nothing
Turbo gifts opening! have fun.
Tip to those who bother reading the steps till the bottom :p You can easily log out of your facebook account, log in another account click GET ID (facebook id), Click Get Gifts and you will get all the gifts in this other account too. ----------------------------
You must obviously log into Facebook first and be a Fan of Restaurant City to claim the below rewards. Click here to get +5 FREE popularity:
This cheat works great. You can use the skills for MISSIONS, DUELS and to LEVEL UP with the latest skills that you have not learned. But remember, the skills will disappear from your Jutsu if you refresh the game. So do not refresh the game or you will have to relearn the skills to use them.
Go to Academy and select any Long-training time skills to learn.
In Charles, look for this url ''
Expand it and you will see 'AMF/'
Right click 'AMF/' and select Breakpoints
Now leave the Academy and enter Academy again. The game will freeze
A breakpoint tab will appear in Charles.
An 'Edit Response' tab will appear. Click it.
Click 'AMF' tab at the bottom
You will see something like this screenshot below
Change the result Number to '0'
Click Execute
You will immediately get the skill.
You can continue learning more skills. Just repeat from Step 8 each time the game freeze.
Important: Remember to go back to the Structure Tab, right click 'amf/' and select Breakpoints to continue playing Ninja Saga.
Once breakpoint removed, go play your missions, duels with friends. Just note that skills will disappear if you refresh the game. But whatever experience/gold you earned is saved.
Now select language [Choose from Mandarin, English or Spanish] and Browser in the CStool, click Scan then click Low-scan
Depending on your CPU, the scanning should be done in a couple of minutes and the 3 buttons are now clickable. If they're not clickable, repeat from step1 again.
Click Infinite Stamina, Infinite Water, and Water+Coins cheat
Plant a new seed on the ground and start watering it. Notice you can keep watering it and coins will appear. Use a mouse recorder and you can level up fast.
Restaurant should be open, serving dishes to customers.
Download RC tool (link above) and extract everything to browser
Open RCCheat.exe
Select English or Spanish or Mandarin depending on your preferred language. Steps will be for English mode.
Select Browser. Click Scan
Click Low-scan. Give it about 1-2minutes of scanning to get all buttons clickable. if buttons still not clickable, serve some dishes first.
Once scanning is done, select the cheats that you want! Take care when you use EXP cheat as excessive amount of EXP will become negative and you will not be able to rectify that!
It has been a crazy weekend and Restaurant City is offering 1,000 coins for free!
We're pleased to announce that Facebook have solved their technical difficulties and Restaurant City should be running as normal again. Thank you everyone for your patience! Click here to play Restaurant City and claim your FREE 1000 coins:
You will need to be a Restaurant City Fan. [RC] ----------------------------
Free2sw4u has revealed a RC cash item glitch.In respect to him, I will reveal the cheat in the same way as him. This ensures that the cheat can be enjoyed by more people as not everyone will be able to share it.
Playfish has patched it though. :( Hope you guys enjoyed this "treasure hunt"
The trailer is so awesome! Who else loves the C&C series? I have started playing since I was 11 years old I think. Will probably be waiting for a torrent version :p =x Hahaa. Kidding! Do support original if you can afford it. But I would say students with no income like me cant really afford these games as it usually cost more than $50USD. Can't wait to play this game though, especially those cut-scene videos! ----------------------------
Click this link to get your free Gift Wagon. You can click 5 times. If you already have 5 Gift Wagons, you will not be able to get anymore. 18 ATTACK DEFENSE 29 Free Gift Wagons:
Open Cheat Engine and select browser in process list
Tick HEX, Also scan read only, Array Of Bytes
Scan "0F846A0100008B5DFC8B7308"
1 address returned. (if no address, make sure you brushed your pet or using flash 10)
Disassemble memory region
Right click selected code and click 'Replace with code that does nothing'
Now keep brushing your pet till coins appear. Each brush is 20 coins. You can brush out 400- 500 coins. Do not brush MORE than this amount as Mayor will appear.
Click 'Add Coins' at the top left corner to auto save the game.
Click Out > Go back to your Pet's Home
Continue brushing another 500 coins.
Repeat till satisfied. Have fun!
Note: Don't forget to do your mass clicking! I will only try this contest once to test if it is not a scam. So let's make sure the test is a success. You want your links up, do help to click for other people too. Thanks. and
Café World Build a mini-farm set in your café with our new FarmVille-themed collectible gifts! Each limited edition gift will be available for one day only so send one to your friends and ask them to help you collect all 10!
Welcome to the latest offering by Playfish, the popular company that brought you Pet Society, Restaurant City and many more! This seems to me like a copy cat of HomeInn and some other Inn games. :p But who cares, as long as it's by Playfish, people will play. Now let me share with you guys this MILLION DOLLAR coin cheat.
Disclaimer: is not responsible if you ever got banned. Cheat with care. If you are afraid, you can use your secondary account to play and level up.
I have no idea why some of you get the error message. :s Watch the video to see how i cheat the level and still manages to save and refresh the game. Try the cheat AFTER the tutorial.
Open cheat Engine and select browser in process list
(4 bytes. Also scan read only mem). Scan current EXP amount
Earn some EXP.
Next scan new EXP amount. Repeat until only 1 address remains.
Change the value to the next exp level requirement - 1. EXAMPLE: If you are level 4, you need 1000 exp to reach level 5. Change the value to 999. Do not skip level as the game will crash. Always change the value to the next level exp requirement -1.
You will now level up 1 level. Repeat to continue leveling up.
Don't forget to MASS CLICK today! Together we can help! Don't be selfish people! If you want to win, you have to help to click too! If everyone do their part, we can hit the prize faster and everyone wins!
I understand most of my readers are kids hence they may have find the hunt a little too challenging for them. Therefore this round will be simple and just for you!
First TEN(10) readers to post “I love” in their facebook status and comment “I have posted I love in my facebook” on Pwnthis Facebook Page Round 4b post WINS. [pwnthis facebook page link]
I will send a Friend Request to the top 10 readers and if I do not see the status message, you will not win :p If I see it, the cash items will be sent immediately. (Only 3 RC cc item will be won for this round per person)
Very simple. Decode it and win. ------------------------------ Round 4 has ended. Raven is the winner. Solution:
First clue brings you to this Encrypted Image.
The image name is ZXing.
A simple Google search of ZXing decode, will bring you to a page with an Online Image Decoder.
Just paste the url of the above image and click submit Query. url of image:
Make sure you have TREES to harvest! If you do not, don't bother using this cheat. Go to Market and purchase some trees. You will need to wait till they are ready for harvesting.
Harvest some CROPS [not tree!].
Open cheat engine and select browser in process list
Hex, 8bytes, Also scan read only mem
Scan "000000e98120538b". 1 address returned. Right click and Disassemble it
Scroll UP a few lines and you will see a 'push XXXXXX' [xxxx is random digits]
Right click this line and select 'Go To Address'
Copy out the address
Paste this address in the generator Below
Copy all the generated codes
In Cheat Engine, click Tools > Auto Assemble
Paste the codes inside and click Execute > OK
Now, harvest your TREE. If you have followed the steps correctly, you can now use the mouse recorder and spam clicks on the tree.
Leave it for a few minutes. Click Style > Decorate your house to auto save the game and the coins will be refreshed. Have fun!