Ninja Saga Cheats // Ultimate Cheats v2

Download required files [links removed as the file version has changed]

Required Tools [Download these tools | Tool's Tutorial ]:
  • Download above required files (you will need winrar to extract the contents inside)
  • Fiddler2
  • Chrome/Firefox

Credits: Errorlog2, Pwnthis & Lloyd Vicent Dagmil

This cheat includes Amaterasu, Custom "PWNED" missions, a special "Errorlog" mission for 15k exp and MORE. Just download the required file above and try it out! Have fun.

Note: Fixed. Do not use or you will get banned. Was good while it lasted.

  1. Open Fiddler and go to Autoresponder
  2. Tick both Enable auto... and Permit Passthrough..
  3. You will be replacing the data_library_en file so click ADD and insert this rule editor
  4. Replace it with the downloaded file from the links above. 
  5. If you are unsure of how to replace files using fiddler, kindly read the tutorial first as it will help you greatly. Tool's Tutorial 
  6. Once replaced, just go into Ninja Saga and you will have amaterasu, custom missions, all missions unlocked.
  7. Tested, working, and savable as at 30/6/2010 

[Register an account at Gladriel] Do not forget to join Gladriel today, a gaming community where you can sell/buy games cheaply! They are currently holding raffles and you can easily win Playstation 3 or some video games. Prizes have been given out with photos! For shipping issues, just check with your local postal company to see if they provide middle freight forwarding services so the prize gets shipped to the USA first before shipping to your country of choice.

Pet Society // Plushies, SnowWhite, Stone Age, Autumn Faerie

Download required files [ sharecash | ziddu | megaupload] // choose your preferred download link
Links edited by totonzio for those with fail-save problems.

Required Tools [Download these tools | Tool's Tutorial ]:
  • Download Required databases from any of the links above. 
  • Fiddler2 - Read the tutorial first if you have trouble replacing the database.
  • Firefox/Chrome

Credits: cosmo blu

Database includes Plushies, Snow White items, Stone Age items, Autumn Faerie items. Just purchase the items that you require. It will be in the Egg form. Open the egg and you will get your items.


  1. Download Database from the links above.
  2. Open fiddler and replace database.dat and shopMystery.dat. The rule editor are as required

  3. Reload Pet Society. If replaced correctly, the 2 lines will be highlighted.
  4. Go to mysteryshop and you will see all the items.
  5. You will get an egg but the item you purchased will be inside the egg. 

Country Story // Infinite Stamina, Water Cheat

Download required files [ sharecash | ziddu | megaupload ] // choose your preferred download link

 Required Tools [Download these tools | Tool's Tutorial ]:
  • TigerZZ's CS tool - updated 29 June 2010 [ download links above]
  • Chrome/IE (Latest Firefox version does not work)

Credits: TigerZZ


  1. Open CS tool [download from the links above]
  2. Play Country Story. (click to play)
  3. Water a plant, harvest a plant, plow a ground.
  4. Now select language [Choose from Mandarin, English or Spanish] and Browser in the CStool, click Scan or Low-scan
  5. Depending on your CPU, the scanning should be done in a couple of  minutes and the 2 buttons are now clickable. If they're not clickable,  repeat from step1 again.
  6. Click Infinite Stamina, Infinite Water. (Only this 2 options working in the latest tool by TigerZZ)
  7. Infinite Coins from watering is no longer working. 

Restaurant City // Almost Famous Week Updates

Click to get 10,000 coins [ link ]
Click to play Restaurant City [ play now ]

[Register an account at Gladriel] Do not forget to join Gladriel today, a gaming community where you can sell/buy games cheaply! They are currently holding raffles and you can easily win Playstation 3 or some video games. Prizes have been given out with photos! For shipping issues, just check with your local postal company to see if they provide middle freight forwarding services so the prize gets shipped to the USA first before shipping to your country of choice.

-----------------------Restaurant City // Almost Famous Week -------------------
Latest Max level: 80

On the first of July, Restaurant City will launch "SuperStars" such as Brittany Spearmint, Lady Cocoa and Greg The Tasteful Dancer. Weird names I say. Just check out my Lady Gaga Lady Cocoa army. And the paparazzi definitely adores my Britney.

All you Americans who will be celebrating "Independence Day", Fireworks in front of the Washington Monument is a must!

More superstars will be visiting your restaurant! Purchase your own Robert Pattinson Pancake, Johnny Depp Dough, Angelina Jolie Jelly, Brad Pitt Bread Pot. =p

Ninja Saga Cheats // Damage, Missions Hack

1.Download Amaterasu skill [ sharecash | ziddu | megaupload ] // choose preferred download link
2.Download Unlock All Mission [ sharecash | ziddu | megaupload ] // choose preferred download link
3.Download Special Mission [ sharecash | ziddu | megaupload ] // choose preferred download link

[Register an account at Gladriel] Do not forget to join Gladriel today, a gaming community where you can sell/buy games cheaply! They are currently holding raffles and you can easily win Playstation 3 or some video games. There are people who have won PS3, games and many more (With photos shown). For shipping issues, just check with your local postal company to see if they provide middle freight forwarding service so that it will ship to the USA before shipping to your country.
Credits: Mau berbagi aja

Note: Feel free to use all 3 cheats together or separately. It is not compulsory to download all 3 files, but of cause using all 3 together is the best.

Required Tools [Download these tools | Tool's Tutorial ]:
  • Download all 3 files from the links above. You should have "data_library_en.swf", "mission.swf" and "mission_139.swf" after downloading all 3.
  • Fiddler2 (Read the Tool's Tutorial if you do not know how to replace the files)
  • Chrome/Firefox (Always remember to clear browser cache if files are not replaced)

  1. Download all 3 files above. 
  2. Open Fiddler.
  3. Go to Autoresponder and ensure both 'Enable Automatic.. ' and 'Permit pass...' are ticked
  4. Click ADD.
  5. A 'String To Match' will appear, change it to REGEX:(?insx)^.*mission\.swf$
  6. Click on the ▼ button beside the Save and select 'File a file'
  7. Browse to the files that you have downloaded above and select 'mission.swf'
  8. Click SAVE
  9. Click ADD again.
  10. A 'String To Match' will appear, change it to REGEX:(?insx)^.*mission_139\.swf$
  11. Click on the ▼ button beside the Save. And select 'File a file'
  12. Browse to the files that you have downloaded above and select 'mission_139.swf'
  13. Click SAVE.
  14. Click ADD one last time.
  15. A 'String To Match' will appear, change it to REGEX:(?insx).*data_library_en\.swf$
  16. Click on the ▼ button beside the Save. And select 'File a file'
  17. Browse to the files that you have downloaded above and select 'data_library_en.swf'
  18. Click SAVE.
  19. Now your rule editor should look like this.

  20. Clear browser cache and reload/enter Ninja Saga.
  21. Go to Jutsu and ensure Amaterasu is equipped.
  22. Tested & Working at at 29 June 2010. 
Tagged: Ninja Saga Cheats, Ninja Saga Hacks

    Restaurant City // Free Ingredients x10 per type

    Firefox users, you can use DownThemAll Addon to make your job easier. [Link]

    Click for thousands of FREE ingredients:  LINKS HAVE EXPIRED. YOU ARE TOO LATE =D

    Have fun clicking on the ingredients :)
    Use IE or Google Chrome to open the links above if Firefox has a 500 Server Error.
    After you click the link, you will get a pop up in the game to Accept the ingredient. 

    Ninja Saga Cheats // Damage Hack

    Damage Hack File - Download required files [ sharecash | ziddu | megaupload ] // choose your preferred download link

    Required Tools [Download these tools | Tool's Tutorial ]:
    • Damage Hack .swf (download links above)
    • Fiddler2
    • Chrome/Firefox

    Credits: mau berbagi aja (yes, this is the actual author not those 2 thieves)

    1. Open Fiddler and go to Autoresponder
    2. Tick both Enable auto... and Permit Passthrough..
    3. You will be replacing the data_library_en file so click ADD and insert this rule editor
    4. Replace it with the downloaded file from the links above. 
    5. If you are unsure of how to replace files using fiddler, kindly read the tutorial first as it will help you greatly. Tool's Tutorial 
    6. Once replaced, just go into Ninja Saga, equip yourself with a KUNAI and you will have 999999 damage.
    7. Tested, working, and savable as at 28/6/2010 

    Ninja Saga // Skills Codes

    I know lots of us are trying to become a Jounin. But it's tough if you do not have certain token skills or friends with token skills. This cheat has been around for a couple of weeks and as of today (26 June 2010) it is still working as I have just become a Jounin today with it.

    Didn't post the cheat earlier as I did not want to spoil the chance for those collecting the badges. Since it is the last day to obtain the final badge, I guess it's time everyone use the cheat and become a Jounin. 
    If you are unable to get it, I'm sorry but I can't make a video as I only have 1 level 40 account and I cannot take the test again :p

    Browser i used was Opera.

    1. Open ninja saga and recruit 2 friends (you should know their equipped skills already so you can change it to skill91 which is the Amaterasu. The skills should be 2 digits only or it's difficult to change it with CE)
    2. Go to Jounin exam part 4 or 5
    3. OPEN Cheat Engine 5.6
    4. For scan value, select Text, tick Case sensitive & Unicode, ASROM and scan the skill number that you want to change to skill91.
      example: If your friend has the skill "Water Bundle", you will scan for "skill89"If you are unsure, just check the list at the end of this post for the skill and the skill number represented
    5. Remember to click SCAN only during your friend's characters turn, if you SCAN their skill before and after their turn, all their skills will be gone
    6. Double click all the address found (There should only be 3-4 addresses)
    7. Double click the value and change it all to skill91
    8. Go back to NS and select the skill that you have just changed (example: water bundle) and you will see that Amaterasu is used. 
    9. Important: Now immediately change back all the skill91 back to the previous value. In this example, it's "skill89"
    10. You need to change back to the actual value or all the skills will DISAPPEAR and you cannot use it again.
    11. When it's your friend's turn again, just change the value back to skill91 and use it again.
    Question: How to see what skills your friend have?
    Answer: Either wait till your friend's turn and you can see what skills he have, then search the list below and scan it.. or use charles and visit him to see his equipped skills.

    List of the skills (All 2 digits skills listed)

    skill10 = fire ball
    skill11 = fiery flame
    skill12 = earth smash
    skill13 = twister
    skill14 = lightning strike
    skill15 = lightning scater
    skill16 = wind canon
    skill17 = whirlwind spin
    skill18 = fiery bird misile
    skill19 = fire vortek
    skill20 = fire spike wheel
    skill21 = fiery bird strike
    skill22 = water ball
    skill23 = water dragon vortek
    skill24 = refresh
    skill25 = water shark missile
    skill40 = Water Jet Cannon (lvl 7)
    skill42 = Rapid Kick (lvl 2 )
    skill43 = Dragon Fist (lvl 3)
    skill44 = Earth Spike (lvl 6)
    skill45 = Wind Gust (lvl 7)
    skill46 = Wind Rush (lvl 8)
    skill47 = Explosive Giant Kunai (lvl 8)
    skill48 = Eart Erosion (lvl 7)
    skill49 = Dual Lightning Strike (lvl 8)
    skill50 = Earth Blast (lvl 8)
    skill51 = Water Impale ( lvl 8)
    skill52 = Rapid Kick (lvl 2)
    skill53 = Pillar of Flame (lvl 9)
    skill54 = Lightning Arrow Strike ( lvl 9)
    skill55 = Earth Boulder (lvl 9)
    skill56 = Twin Shark Missle (lvl 9)
    skill57 = Feather Illusion (lvl 9)
    skill58 = Refresh Rank 2 (lvl 5)
    skill59 = Golem Protection (lvl 10)
    skill60 = Water Renewal (lvl 10)
    skill61 = Swift Kick (lvl 11)
    skill62 = Cannonball Strike (lvl 9)
    skill63 = Earthen Fist (lvl 13)
    skill64 = Water Shark Burst (lvl 13)
    skill65 = Double Fire Arrow (lvl 13)
    skill66 = lighting shock
    skill67 = dager of wind
    skill68 = head kick
    skill70 = double fireball
    skill71 = empowered laghting edge
    skill72 = double earth smash
    skill73 = double water brust
    skill74 = wind strom
    skill75 = fire whirl
    skill76 = lighting rays
    skill77 = earth rock bulder
    skill78 = water spears
    skill79 = multi fireball
    skill80 = multi fire ball
    skill81 = water sphere
    skill82 = watercuter
    skill83 = lighting spears
    skill84 = refresh rank 3
    skill85 = blade of wind
    skill86 = helifire
    skill87 = llghting flash
    skill88 = earth absorpotion
    skill89 = water bundle
    skill90 = rapid upercut
    skill92 = wind piercing strike
    skill93 = raising fire first
    skill94 = sccater strom
    skill95 = earth first combo
    skill96 = dual water edge
    skill97 = wind edge chop
    skill98 = percing fire dancer
    skill99 = erten strike first

    -spirit touch skill109
    - assault kick skill108
    - three combat rapid skill107
    - water pressure canon skil106
    - earth arm skill105
    - lighting ball burst skill104
    - explosive kunai formation skill103
    - dual water cutter skill102
    - dual water sphere skill101
    - dual lighting spears skill100
    - earthen strike first skill99
    - piercing fire dance skill98
    - wind edge chop skill97
    - dual water edge skill96
    - earth first combo skill95
    - scatter storm skill94
    - raising fire first skill93
    - wind piercing strike skill92
    - secret:amaterasu skill91
    - rapid uppercut skill90
    - water bundle (200 token) skill89
    - lighting flash (200 token) skill87
    - earth absorption (200 token) skill88
    - hell fire (200 token) skill86
    - blade of wind (200 token) skill85
    - refresh(rank 3) skill84
    - lighting spear skill83
    - wind cutter skill82
    - water sphere skill81
    - earth spines skill80
    - Water Renewal (200 token) skill60
    - golem protection (200 token) skill59
    - feather illusion (200 token) skill57
    - evasion (200 token) skill39
    - unkown (cant be used) skill37
    - fire power (200 token) skill36
    - lighting charge (200 token) skill35
    - sexy girl transformation (100 token) skill4
    - monkey transformation skill2

    Restaurant City Cheats // TigerZZ RC Tool

    Download required files [ sharecash | ziddu | megaupload ] // choose your preferred download link

    Required Tools [Download these tools | Tool's Tutorial ]:
    • TigerZZ RC tool (download links above)
    • Firefox
    Credits: TigerZZ. Released 25th June 2010

    1. Go into Restaurant City
    2. Restaurant should be open, serving dishes to customers. 
    3. Download RC tool (link above) and extract everything to browser. You will need winRAR to extract.
    4. Open RCCheat.exe
    5. Select English or Spanish or Mandarin depending on your preferred language. Steps will be for English mode.
    6. Select Browser.
    7. Click Low-scan. Give it about 1-2minutes of scanning to get all buttons clickable.
      if buttons still not clickable, serve some dishes first. Then Click Scan/Low-scan again
    8. Once scanning is done, select the cheats that you want!
    9. Note: Exp cheat is not working

    Pet Society // All in 1 database

    All-in-1 : Download required files [ sharecash | ziddu | megaupload ] // choose your preferred download link

     Required Tools [Download these tools | Tool's Tutorial ]:

    • Required All-in-1 database (download links above)
    • Fiddler2 
    • Firefox/chrome

    Credits: Totonzio@cosmoblu

    Latest mysterybox, latest theme park items, Cash petlings cheat, Cash wig dyes cheat, Cash fish cheat, Cash Fertilizers, 49 day bot battery. Nearly everything you can ask for, so have fun shopping!  


    1. Download All-in-1 Database
    2. Open fiddler and replace database.dat and shopMystery.dat. The rule editor are as required

    3. Reload Pet Society. If replaced correctly, the 2 lines will be highlighted.
    4. Go to mysteryshop and you will see all the MysteryBox items
    5. Go to mysteryshop/glow in the dark and you will see all the New Theme Park items and the Pink Throne (money cheat - buy at 150coins, sell at 999coins still working great). Theme Park items just pay 600coins for all the items. You will get an egg but the item you purchased will be inside the egg.  
    Cash Petling Cheat:
    1. Go to Garden, petlings.
      For Tiger, buy a Kitten
      For Lamb, buy a puppy
      For Bear, buy a coyote
      For Pegasus, buy a lion
    2. Buy the Growth potion (it will be in yellow coins. If it is not, you did NOT replace database.dat properly)
    3. Feed the petling with the growth and it will evolve into the Cash Peet.
    Cash Wig Dyes:
    1. Wear a wig, go to the Hairstylist and just select the color you want.
    Cash Fish Bait:
    1. You will these items in your inventory BEFORE replacing the database or it will cost you Blue Coins. So if you see that the price is in Blue Coins, just disable fiddler, clear cache and refresh Pet Society. 
    2. Buy Pear for Fish Gummy Candy (10 fishes)
      Leek for Easter Fish Biscuit (16 fishes)
      Strawberry = Valentine Fish Biscuit (15 fishes)
      Onion = Halloween Fish Biscuit (16 fishes)
      Corn = Holiday Fish Biscuit (26 fishes)
      Lemon = Normal Fish Biscuit ( 20 fishes)
      Coconut Half = Treasure Bait (mermaid Wig, dress and clip)
    Garden Fertilizers & 49 day nanny bot battery
    1. Just purchase with yellow coins and use immediately. It will revert into Apples so you cannot gift or keep it.

    Also, as long as you see that the current game version is 3.2.15, do NOT ask me to make another database as this will work. You just either have to make sure you have downloaded the correct file, replace the correct file, ensure the file is in the correct location and it will work. Also, clear browser cache will help. And if you cannot load the game with fiddler, read the tutorial to find out why and how to solve it.

    Cafe World Tip // Completing Spices Rack/Lightning Stove fast

    Click to play Cafe World [ play now ]

    Required Tools [Download these tools | Tool's Tutorial ]:
    • Firefox Only. (chrome users have told me it doesn't work for them, thanks!)
    Credits: jingyzz@pwnthis

    This tip works on the simple logic where Cafe World has always been allowing you to send multiple gifts to the same person. Well, for those who do not know (I know there are lots of you as I get a lot of requests to send these tools to complete your Lightning Stoves), this tip will allow you to easily gain the required tools to complete your spics rack/lightning stoves in just seconds. So you do not have to spam your friends with requests. Also, this tip works for ANY items including VIP dishes which is what the cafeworldgifts site has been providing to the community.

      4 simple steps:
    1. Log into your secondary account or get a friend to send you the item you want.
    2. Select the item and send it to your primary account
    3. In your primary account Facebook home page, you should see a Cafe World Gift request 
    4. Click Accept and you will see that page telling you that you have accepted the gift. Just refresh this page 10 times.
      Alternatively, you can right click and open new tabs when you click "Accept Tesla Coil" so if you open 5 tabs, you just refresh twice per tab. 
    Now you know this simple tip, stop spamming gift requests! :p

    Pet Society // Money Cheat, Theme Park & Mystery Box

    DATABASE - Download required files [ ziddu | megaupload ] // choose your preferred download link

    Required Tools [Download these tools | Tool's Tutorial ]:
    • Theme Park & Money Cheat & Mysterybox database [download links above]
    • Fiddler2
    • Firefox/Chrome
    For those who kept complaining the throne costs 3000 coins, just click on it and you should a pop up asking if you want to purchase it for 150 coins and an image of a win/lose box. If you do not see that, check this 3 criteria. And if you are not able to purchase the Theme Park items, you should also check this 3 criteria.
    1. Database.dat is replaced with the database.xml.dat (It will be highlighted in gray if replaced)
    2. You have cleared browser cache to ensure database.dat will appear in Fiddler
    3. You have a brain and you understand simple English.
    Now, if your answer is a NO to any of the 3 criteria, I'm afraid the cheat will not work for you :(
      Credits: PWNTHIS


      1. Download Theme Park & Money Cheat Database
      2. Open fiddler and replace database.dat and shopMystery.dat. The rule editor are as required

      3. Reload Pet Society. If replaced correctly, the 2 lines will be highlighted.
      4. Go to mysteryshop and you will see all the MysteryBox items
      5. Go to mysteryshop/glow in the dark and you will see all the New Theme Park items and the Pink Throne (money cheat - buy at 150coins, sell at 999coins still working great). Theme Park items just pay 600coins for all the items. You will get an egg but the item you purchased will be inside the egg.  
      6. HOT AIR BALLOON: Very troublesome but the reward seems good. You will need to request from 15 friends for 15 items. They must send it, you must accept it.  
       Note: There are 15 theme park items in total. All can be purchased in the Pwnthis shop.

      Also, as long as you see that the current game version is 3.2.15, do NOT ask me to make another database as this will work. You just either have to make sure you have downloaded the correct file, replace the correct file, ensure the file is in the correct location and it will work. Also, clear browser cache will help. And if you cannot load the game with fiddler, read the tutorial to find out why and how to solve it.

      Pet Society // Multi-items + Coins Cheat

      Download required files [ sharecash | ziddu | megaupload ] // choose your preferred download link

      [Register an account at Gladriel] Do not forget to join Gladriel today, a gaming community where you can sell/buy games cheaply! They are currently holding raffles and you can easily win Playstation 3 or some video games. For shipping issues, just check with your local postal company to see if they provide middle freight forwarding services.

      Required Tools [Download these tools | Tool's Tutorial ]:
      • Required Database, download links above
      • Fiddler2
      • Chrome/Firefox

      Credits: DonTsunami ®

      1. Download Multi-Items Database
      2. Open fiddler and replace database.dat and shopMystery.dat. The rule editor are as required

      3. Reload Pet Society. If replaced correctly, the 2 lines will be highlighted.
      4. Wear a wig first because you cannot dye a bald head.
      5. Go to mysteryshop and you will see all the items and also the Pink Throne which can still be purchased at 150coins and sold at 999coins.
      6. Go to mysteryshop/glow in the dark and you will see some NIS items. 

      Restaurant City Updates

      Click to play Restaurant City [ play now ]

      // Sidenote
      [Register an account at Gladriel] < Register today and get 1 Diamond and 500 Gold.
      Do not forget to join Gladriel today, a gaming community where you can sell/buy games cheaply! They are currently holding raffles and you can easily win Playstation 3 or some video games. Someone has just won a PS3 today! With just 1 ticket. If you are lucky, you will win! For shipping issues, just check with your local postal company to see if they provide middle freight forwarding services.

      Restaurant City is having a soccer/football fiesta with all the excitement over the Fifa World Cup 2010. With the new items, you can easily transform your restaurant into a Soccer/Football Pitch! These are must have items for all you soccer/football fans. Footie Fever! Have fun making your own pitch.

      This world cup has some huge major upsets with France and Italy (2006 Champions) out in the first round. I'm still rooting for Brazil!! =D

      Some other new items in RC this week:

      We have introduced quite a few new doors and windows this week! Whether you choose the Elegant Night Double Door, the Posh Night Double Door or the Lovely Night Door is up to you! The Trendy Clubbers won’t notice anyway, they are too eager to get inside and have a drink at the bar! Make sure you have your bouncers on duty! ;)
      Elegant Night Double Door Elegant Night Door
      Elegant Night Window Lovely Night Window Posh Night Exterior Window
      Lovely Night Door Posh Night Double Door
      Pink Limousine Neon Arrow Banner Trendy Clubbers

      Restaurant City Cheats // Piaip RC Tool

      PIAIP TOOL - Download required files [ sharecash | ziddu | megaupload ] // choose your preferred download link
      File is clean.
      Filename: piaipRCHack_v1_20100623.exe
      Scan finished. 0 out of 19 scanners reported malware.
      Scan taken on:  Thu 24 Jun 2010 17:57:37 (CET) Permalink

      Required Tools [Download these tools | Tool's Tutorial ]:
      • Piaip RC tool [links above]
      • Firefox 3.6.4
      For those of you who have updated Firefox to 3.6.4, the previous version will not work for you. Piaip has kindly updated his tool to the latest version.


      1. Enter RC [ play ]
      2. Open RC Tool
      3. Select the patches that you want

        • Store always open
        • Fast cooking
        • Fast serving
        • Fast waiter
        • Fast customers
        • Fast eat
      4. Select the browser
      5. Click PATCH!
      6. RC will run forever! Till you stop it :p

      Pet Society // Shop 2112 WigDyes + Coins Money Bling

      Download required files [ ziddu | sharecash | megaupload ] // choose your preferred download link

      Required Tools [Download these tools | Tool's Tutorial ]:
      • WigDyes + Coins Money Pink Throne Databases (download links above)
      • Fiddler2
      • Chrome/Firefox
      For those who kept complaining it's 3000 coins, just click on it and you should a pop up asking if you want to purchase it for 150 coins and an image of a win/lose box. If you do not see that, check this 3 criteria.
      1. Database.dat is replaced with the database_wigdye.dat (It will be highlighted in gray if replaced)
      2. You have cleared browser cache to ensure database.dat will appear in Fiddler
      3. You have a brain and you understand simple English.
      Now, if your answer is a NO to any of the 3 criteria, I'm afraid the cheat will not work for you :(

      Credits: DANIXXA

      1. Download Pink Throne Database
      2. Open fiddler and replace database.dat and shopMystery.dat. The rule editor are as required


      3. Reload Pet Society. If replaced correctly, the 2 lines will be highlighted.
      4. Wear a wig first because you cannot dye a bald head.
      5. Go to mysteryshop and you will see all the WIG dyes. Even the Petling biscuits can be used to dye your wig.
      6. Go to mysteryshop/glow in the dark and you will see a pink throne. Click on it and you will see a message to buy it at only 150coins.
      7. Sell them at 999coins each. Viola, easy money.

      Restaurant City Cheats // Wall & Door Decoration Glitch

      Click to play Restaurant City [ play now ]

      With this Wall & Door Decoration Glitch, you can now have beautiful room partitions as shown in my image. Make your own Japan or Ocean corner! No tools required!
      Credits: justin

      1. Enter Restaurant City > Decorate restaurant
      2. Put a Chair on the spot you want the wall decor/door to be. 
      3. Adjust the side it will face.
      4. Go to the Wall decor/door section with the item that you want.
      5. Now, drag the chair out of the game window and release the mouse button. 
      6. Drag the wall decor/door item that you want into the game and release your mouse button. (ignore the chair)
      7. The wall decor/door should drop nicely into the position where the chair is at earlier. 
      8. If it doesnt, try again. Make sure to drag the chair out of the window, then drag the wall item you want into the window. Watch video if you're still unable to do it. 
      Comment by nicksizzle:
      You don't have to drag it out of the window, an easier way is to drag the chair to the Green Tick on the bottom right of the game screen. Release your mouse button. this will cause the chair to stay on your mouse even without holding it. Then you should be able to drag the wall decor onto the game screen.

      *NOTE: You cannot turn pages or switch furniture categories while the chair is stuck. The wal decor you want to be glitched must be already on screen ready to be picked.

          gladriel - The Game Marketplace

          [Register an account at Gladriel]

          Fellow gamers, don't you often wish for a portal where you can check out the latest console, PC or even handheld games? A place where you can find elaborate reviews before deciding if you should get the game or extensive walkthroughs to ensure you will never get lost in a game.
          Well now you can. With Gladriel [link] - The Game Marketplace, you get these and more. It's a whole new gaming site that provides the latest game reviews, cheats, awesome game trailers and even an auction so you can purchase that game you have always wanted - cheap! At Gladriel, they provide a Dutch Auction meaning the price of the item will be lowered until a buyer is willing to accept it. You can either pay with the site's virtual currency (Gold) or US dollars through Paypal. The awesome thing about this virtual currency is you can work for it! Just contribute excellent, informative reviews, be active in this community and you can earn Diamonds which can be exchanged for Gold. What this means is you can easily get games for free if you are active!

          Being active on the auctions gains you valuable points, allowing you to rank up to the coveted GodMode rank. Auctions payment is similar to Ebay where you can easily check the Qualification of the buyer/seller. A high qualification and positive feedbacks simply means he is trustworthy and you can safely deal with him. Some important things to look out for are the shipping costs and the locations it can be shipped to.  

          The site also provides excellent video reviews of the latest games hosted by the stunningly beautiful Katalin Koller. Only at Gladriel, can you get Miss Hungary 2007 to review your favorite video game. With these impeccably well-made video reviews, you can see that Gladriel is serious about delivering the latest information in an entertaining and attention-grabbing format. [Gladriel YouTube Channel]

          Currently, Gladriel is conducting a raffle where you can stand a chance to win - The Ultimate Edition of Gow III bundled with a slim PS3 250GB! [Raffle Link]. Unfortunately, it seems like the prize can only be shipped to Western Europe and North America.

          What are you waiting for?
          Join  Gladriel - The World's best Video Game Marketplace today and you get 500 Gold and 1 Diamond instantly. (psst, did I mention some of the games cost less than 500 Gold?)
          [Register an account at Gladriel]

          Restaurant City Cheats // RC Bot

          Download required files [ sharecash | ziddu | megaupload ] // choose your preferred download link

          Required Tools [Download these tools | Tool's Tutorial ]:
          • Piaip RC Tool [download from the links above]
          • Any browser supported

          Credits: Piaip
          Latest version do not have EXP cheat as too many people got their accounts locked due to the tool.

          1. Enter RC [ play ]
          2. Open RC Tool
          3. Select the patches that you want

            • Store always open
            • Fast cooking
            • Fast serving
            • Fast waiter
            • Fast customers
            • Fast eat
          4. Select the browser
          5. Click PATCH!
          6. RC will run forever! Till you stop it :p

          Pet Society // Happy Kitty Plushie

          Happy Kitty - Download required files [ ziddu | sharecash | megaupload ] // choose your preferred download link

          Required Tools [Download these tools | Tool's Tutorial ]:
          • HappyKitty database [download links above]
          • Fiddler2
          • Chrome/Firefox
          To those who were asking and wondering how to get next week's Digging Special - Happy Kitty Plushie, just download the above database and replace using fiddler. Read the Fiddler's Tutorial if you do not know how to replace!  And the database is still working great for the Pink Throne and the Mysterybox items and Magic Sand items. So those who kept asking for a new one, you are just doing it wrongly.
          Credits: pwnthis

          1. Download Pink Throne Database
          2. Open fiddler and replace database.dat and shopMystery.dat. The rule editor are as required

          3. Reload Pet Society. If replaced correctly, the 2 lines will be highlighted.
          4. Go to mysteryshop and you will see all the new Mysterybox items and Sand Castles and the Kitty Plushie
          5. Go to mysteryshop/glow in the dark and you will see a pink throne. Click on it and you will see a message to buy it at only 150coins.
          6. Sell them at 999coins each. 
          Opening Win/Lose Boxes fast
          1. Open cheat engine, select browser in process list
          2. Select Array of bytes, Also scan read-only
          3. Scan "8B403C8945E88B45e885c0"
          4. 1 address, disassemble. 
          5. Right click selected code > Replace with code that does nothing
          6. Turbo box opening! have fun.

          Pet Society // Garden Trick

          GardenTrick - Download required files [ ziddu | sharecash  ] // choose your preferred download link

          Required Tools [Download these tools | Tool's Tutorial ]:
          • GardenTrick Database [ Download required files above ]
          • Fiddler
          • Firefox/Chrome/IE
          1. Download GardenTrick database
          2. Open fiddler and replace database.dat with the downloaded GARDEN.dat file. The rule editor are as required

          3. Reload Pet Society. If replaced correctly, the database.dat line will be highlighted.
          4. Go to your garden and you can now use any wallpaper and floor. Saves too. 
          5. You will have the Default Garden Wallpaper and Default Garden Floor in your inventory if you ever want to change it back =D 
          6. Note: If you are still unsure of how to replace, read the Fiddler Tutorial first! It will help you out.
          7. For those who wants to do it themselves for future version of databases, just change all the baseType="FloorBase" to baseType="GardenFloorBase" and
            baseType="WallpaperBase" to baseType="GardenWallpaperBase" in database.dat

          Safari Kingdom Cheats - Coins Exp

          Click to play Safari Kingdom [ play now ]

          Sick of being a farmer and growing crops, plants, trees, fruits? Now you can breed animals with Safari Kingdom.Click the link above to start  your own Safari today!

          Required Tools [Download these tools | Tool's Tutorial ]:
          • Charles Debugging
          • Firefox
          Safari Kingdom Cheats Steps:
          1. Open Charles
          2. Enter Safari Kingdom 
          3. You will see the url ""
          4. Expand the line > Expand "safari/"
          5. Now breed any animal. 
          6. Wait for the HEARTBREAK icon to appear above the animal.
          7. Click on the animal with this 'heartbreak' icon
          8. Check Charles, you should see a line "DoAnimalAction?uid=........."
          9. Click on the line, check the Text tab in the Response tab
          10. You should see the last line xp_earned with a value of 10.
          11. This is the line you want! So now right click this "DoAnimalAction?uid=....." and select Repeat Advanced
          12. Iterations 10000 Concurrency 30
          13. Do other stuff for 5-10minutes and let the 10k iterations run out. 
          14. Once all 10k completed, just refresh the game and enjoy your new level and coins. Have fun!

          Tagged: Safari Kingdom Cheat, Safari Kingdom Cheats, Safari Kingdom

          Safari Kingdom Cheats // Coin + EXP

          Click to play Safari Kingdom [ play now ]

          Sick of being a farmer and growing crops, plants, trees, fruits? Now you can breed animals with Safari Kingdom.Click the link above to start  your own Safari today!

          Pet Society // Wig Dyes + Precious Mermaid items

          Download required files [ sharecash | ziddu | xun6 ] // choose your preferred download link.

           Required Tools [Download these tools | Tool's Tutorial ]:

          • Download required databases above.
          • Fiddler2
          • Chrome/Firefox

          Credits: GuAvoid@pwnthis
          After downloading the required files, you will extract them to a folder. Notice there are 4 different databases. This is because it seems like you people prefer to be able to select which item you can fish. Hence, just select the database that you want.

          You can fish for these items with an Apple. Purchase the apple BEFORE using fiddler or it will cost Blue Coins.
          • mermaidDress_database.dat = Fish for the Mermaid Dress
          • mermaidWig_database.dat = Fish for Mermaid Wig
          • shellsHairclip_database.dat = Fish for Hairclip
          • WigDye_database.dat = Dye your wigs with yellow coins.
          1. Enter Pet Society and buy LOTS of apples. (do not purchase apples when cheat is activated)
          2. Open fiddler. 
          3. Go to the Autoresponder tab and tick both 'Enable automatic..' and 'Permit passthrough..'
          4. You are going to replace database.dat with the database that you would like to use.
          5. Click on 'Add...'
          6.  In the left side of the Rule Editor, you will have this regular expression
          7. Click on the [▼] button, select 'Find A file' and select the ?????_database.dat you have just downloaded.
          8. Clear Browser cache and enter Pet Society [play]
          9. Use Apples as the bait and you will be able to fish the Mermaid Wig, Precious Mermaid Dress, Precious Shells Hairclip or Dye your wigs at the Hairstylist depending on the database you used.
            • Apple = Ocean Blue
            • Banana = Platinum Blonde
            • Hairstylist = Normal colours 
          For Fast Fishing Cheat with Cheat Engine
          1. Now, open Cheat Engine and select browser in process list.
          2. Tick HEX, Also scan read only memory, 8bytes
          3. Scan "758B00000022820F"
          4. 1 address returned. Disassemble it.
          5. Right click selected code and 'Replace with code that does nothing'
          6. Now, when you caught an item, it will be reeled in immediately. 

          Pet Society // 17June MB + Coin

          Latest DB - Download required files [ ziddu | sharecash  | xun6 ] // choose your preferred download link
          Updated with CC petlings, new Sand Castles in MysteryShop

          Required Tools [Download these tools | Tool's Tutorial ]:
          • Latest DB files, download links above
          • Fiddler2
          • Chrome/Firefox

          Credits: PWNTHIS

          Warning: Do NOT sell that many Thrones each time even though it may seem safe. Just use it if you are seriously, desperately in need of coins. You can purchase 99 thrones. But just don't sell all immediately. Probably 20 each day. 20k per day is still quite a lot.


          1. Download Pink Throne Database
          2. Open fiddler and replace database.dat and shopMystery.dat. The rule editor are as required

          3. Reload Pet Society. If replaced correctly, the 2 lines will be highlighted.
          4. Go to mysteryshop and you will see all the new Mysterybox items and Sand Castles
          5. Go to mysteryshop/glow in the dark and you will see a pink throne. Click on it and you will see a message to buy it at only 150coins.
          6. Sell them at 999coins each. 
          Cash Petling Cheat:

          • Go to Garden, Petling. 
          • For a PEGASUS, purchase a LION petling.
          • Buy a GROWTH POTION for only 5 yellow coins! (if it's blue coins, you did not replace database correctly!) 
          • Feed the Lion petling with it and it will grow into a PEGASUS! 
          • Important: For Petling cheat, there may be some who will encounter error. So what you should do is, after replacing the database and entering Pet Society, disable your Internet/work in offline mode then buy the Petling and feed it with the growth potion. If evolution works and you get the respective cash peet, connect back your Internet to save the game. If it doesn't work, just refresh and try again. Always remember, if the petling does not evolve after taking the growth potion, immediately refresh the game without saving.
          • The other petlings evolve into CC peets too.
            • Cat will evolve into Tiger
            •  Dog to Lamb
            •  Ccoyote to Bear 
            Notice the petling biscuits are in yellow coins too. Feel free to change your peet colours! 

            Opening Win/Lose Boxes fast

            1. Open cheat engine, select browser in process list
            2. Select Array of bytes, Also scan read-only
            3. Scan "8B403C8945E88B45e885c0"
            4. 1 address, disassemble. 
            5. Right click selected code > Replace with code that does nothing
            6. Turbo box opening! have fun.

            Pet Society // All suspensions lifted

            They deleted the thread, too bad :p But it does seem safe to sell and earn coins now.

            The above link is the official Playfish thread that all temp bans have been lifted. You can now sell your thrones safely. 

            Millionaire City Cheats // Coins cheat v2

            Click to Play [ Millionaire City ] Download Important xml file [ link1 | link 2 ] //choose preferred.


            Required Tools [Download Tools | Tools' Tutorial]:
            • Download the important .xml file from the links above.
            • Fiddler // read tutorial if it's your first time using
            • Charles // read tutorial if it's your first time using
            • Firefox ONLY

            // Millionaire City Money Cheat version2 [faster/better/richer] //


            1. Download above xml file.
            2. Go to Fiddler > Auto responder and ensure both options are ticked.
            3. Drag the downloaded file into the auto responder and you shd see a new rule.
            4. Important: Clear browser cache and reload Millionaire City 
            5. If database is loaded, you should now have 0 limit to getting money.
            6. To prevent game errors, you can only have MAX $100,000 per click.
            7. Therefore, you must have only ONE house near the Pizza Store or CoffeeShop.
            8. The ONE house should have tenants to start earning (choose the students). 
            9. If you exceeded $100,000 in one click, you WILL get an OUT OF SYNC error. Just ensure ONE house in the area of the commerce building and you will be fine. 
            10. Watch video if still unclear. 
            11. Now, once this is done, CLOSE fiddler. 
            12. As this v2 cheat is only for firefox, you should now set your Firefox Fiddler's Settings to DISABLED.
            13. Open Charles Web Debugging Proxy and make sure it is recording your web activities.
            14. Click on the PizzaStore or CoffeeShop now.
            15. Look in Charles, you will see the line "" 
            16. Expand it > Expand dollar and you will see the line GAME
            17. Right click GAME and select Repeat Advanced. 
            18. 1000 iterations 30 concurrency 
            19. After all 1000 runs completed, you can refresh your game and enjoy your new millions.  
            Tested and working as at 15th June 2010

            // Millionaire City Cheats Video //

            Pet Society Cheat // Fish for Precious Mermaid Suit

            Mermaid Database - Download required files [ sharecash | ziddu | xun6 ] // choose your preferred download link

            Required Tools [Download these tools | Tool's Tutorial ]:
            • Mermaid Database [download links above]
            • Fiddler2
            • Firefox/Chrome/IE 
            Credits: GuAvoid@fREE2SW4U
            谢 joe ,有email 的.dat, thanks anyway for trying to prevent misunderstandings =D

            1. Download the Mermaid Database from the links above.
            2. Open fiddler. 
            3. Go to the Autoresponder tab and tick both 'Enable automatic..' and 'Permit passthrough..'
            4. You are going to replace database.dat with the GuAvoid_database_MermaidSet.dat that you have downloaded above.
            5. Click on 'Add...'
            6.  In the left side of the Rule Editor, you will have this regular expression
            7. Click on the [▼] button, select 'Find A file' and select the GuAvoid_database_MermaidSet.dat you have just downloaded.
            8. Clear Browser cache and enter Pet Society [play]
            9. Use Apples as the bait and you will be able to fish the Mermaid Wig, Precious Mermaid Dress, Precious Shells Hairclip
            10. Now, open Cheat Engine and select browser in process list.
            11. Tick HEX, Also scan read only memory, 8bytes
            12. Scan "758B00000022820F"
            13. 1 address returned. Disassemble it.
            14. Right click selected code and 'Replace with code that does nothing'
            15. Now, when you caught an item, it will be reeled in immediately. 
            Now, I know many of you will be thinking, OMFG we can fish for CC items too! Well, I will burst your bubbles that this method will not be able to fish CC items as these items only had "Apples" added into the Bait field. So unless an item can be fished, you cannot fish it up yet.

            Millionaire City Cheats

            Click to Play [ Millionaire City ] Download Important xml file [ link1 | link 2 ] //choose preferred.


            Required Tools:
            • Download the important .xml file from the links above.
            • Fiddler
            • Firefox/Chrome

            // Millionaire City Money Cheat //


            1. Download above xml file.
            2. Go to Fiddler > Auto responder and ensure both options are ticked.
            3. Drag the downloaded file into the auto responder and you shd see a new rule.
            4. Important: Clear browser cache and reload Millionaire City 
            5. If database is loaded, you should now have 0 limit to getting money.
            6. To prevent game errors, you can only have MAX $100,000 per click.
            7. Therefore, you must have only ONE house near the Pizza Store or CoffeeShop.
            8. The ONE house should have only 5 tenants. 
            9. If you exceeded $100,000 in one click, you WILL get an OUT OF SYNC error. Just ensure ONE house and you will be fine. 
            10. Watch video if still unclear.
            // Millionaire City Cheats Video //

            // Official Tutorial by Millionaire City //

            How do I build a house, commercial building or decoration?
            The first step for any building is to buy Plots. To find out how many plots a development will need, hover the pointer over the asset in the Shop. An information box will pop up to show how many plots are needed, the price of the asset and any other details. Use the Plot tool to turn undeveloped terrain into plots ready for building. Click “Buy” in the Shop to select the asset and place it over your purchased plots.

            How can I finish construction on a project now?
            Click on your house, commercial building, decoration or world wonder while it’s under construction to access the Instant Build option. It costs extra Cash, but you can skip the remaining build time and enjoy your new asset right away!

            How do houses work?
            Houses are the foundation of your business. Tenants renting houses will provide rental income and serve as customers for your nearby commercial buildings. Once your house is built, you can choose a Contract. Depending on your experience and the type of house, there are different contracts available varying in duration and revenue, from minutes to several days and from hundreds of dollars to thousands. If you are late collecting rent, however, tenants will abandon the house and you will lose your investment, so make sure you come back in time to collect the rent and start a new contract.

            What are commercial buildings for?
            Add commercial buildings to your city for quick cash flow. Commercial income is proportionate to the number of tenants living in houses around the commercial building. Take this into account when you choose rental contracts for your houses as well as new house locations.

            What are decorations for?
            Decorations add a bonus to the rent you receive for each contract. Adding a decorations nearby can boost rental fees by hefty percentages and multiple decorations around one property can add up quick. A balanced distribution of houses, commercial buildings and decorations is important to maximize the profits of your company.

            What are the World Wonders?
            No city is complete without a few unique landmarks. Each Wonder will give you global benefits, helping your business thrive. Since landmarks are giant and challenging constructions, they take a long time to finish. Asking your friends for help with World Wonder construction may be a very wise decision.

            What is Experience and how do I progress in the game?
            Some contracts, houses, commercial buildings, decorations and world wonders require a minimum experience level to unlock. As you build new developments and sign new contracts, you will gain experience points that will help you level up to access more luxurious items.
            How do I get more money?
            Think about your strategy when building houses, commercial buildings and decorations. Sign contracts that give you the most profit according to when you plan on being online playing Millionaire City so you can collect rent on time. As you progress in the game, more advanced buildings will become available that can earn you bigger profits. Expanding into neighboring counties will also provide more land for faster and larger developments.

            How can I get more Dollars now?
            You can exchange Millionaire Gold for game Dollars at any time. Click on the Add Dollars button on the top right side of the screen, or try to buy an expensive asset without enough money and you can make the exchange right away. Don’t forget you can also visit friends, complete missions for your advisor and help your friends’ cities to get some extra cash!

            How do I get more Gold?
            Gold is a scarce resource, but you will get a chance to earn some glittery good stuff through a few select missions from your advisor. You can also Add Gold anytime with the button below the Gold indicator on the top right side of the screen if you have enough cash to exchange.

            I ran out of terrain, how can I expand the city?
            There are up to 24 expansion areas for sale in neighboring counties that, of course, come with a cost. Once you have a solid economy, it will be worth expanding further. The more terrain you have, the more space you can use for large houses, commercial buildings, world wonders and advanced decorations. A larger city will give you more strategy options and profits for your company.

            Can I start a new city?
            No, but you can always use the bulldozer to clear everything you don’t like and get some money in the process. If you only have a little cash, buy cheap houses, rent short contracts and repeat the process until your business is back to full health. If you have friends in the game, keep visiting their cities for extra income. Don’t give up – with the experience you gained you will be able to build up a better city in less time than before!

            Tag: Millionaire City Cheats, Millionaire City Hacks, Millionaire City Money, Millionaire City Coins

            FrontierVille // How to level up fast

            Click to play FrontierVille [play]

            This is Zynga's latest game and it seems really well designed. You start out with nothing. But after gathering and taming animals and clearing your land, you can start constructing buildings and develop a town. You will eventually get married and have a family too!

            You will need energy to do certain tasks like harvesting, feeding animals, planting crops, clearing land. You can gain energy sometimes by cutting down trees.

            You gain coins each time you complete an action. The coins will drop out so click on them! Sometimes you gain rare items, collectibles too.

            You gain wood by chopping down trees. You will need lots of wood to build those houses.

            How to level up fast?
            They pretty much secured/hashed their gameSettings file so any changes or meddle with the xml files will result in a game refresh. But still there is a way to level up fast legally. You will have to add a lot of friends as each friend allows you 5 extra actions which increases your relationship and exp at 0 energy cost! So the more friends you have, the more actions you gain without needing energy.

            But of course, if any FrontierVille cheats, glitches are found, you can be sure that I will post it up. Meanwhile, just give this new game a try.

            Additional Information by Zynga// 


            Clicking on a quest icon, located on the left hand side of your game screen, will display details about your current quest. To complete a quest simply follow the instructions to meet the requirements. You will earn rewards when you meet that quests requirements! Questing is the only way to gain things such as a family.


            Invite friends to be your neighbors by using the 'My Neighbors' tab or by clicking on the 'Add Neighbor' button on your friend bar. This button sends you to a page that allows you to send invitations for your friends to become neighbors. Your friend must accept the invitation in order to become your neighbor on FrontierVille. Having many neighbors will unlock many items and will allow you to visit more homesteads!

            Visiting and Helping Neighbors

            Neighbors are located on the friend bar at the bottom of the game screen. Clicking on a neighbor will open a menu that has the option to visit a friend. When visiting a friend you may help them with up to five actions on their homestead. Simply perform actions on your neighbor's homestead as you would on your own. When your neighbor returns they may even see your avatar on their homestead! This is a great way to earn extra coin and experience.

            Hiring Friends

            Every day you may hire up to two of your neighbors to perform tasks on your homestead. To hire a neighbor, click on their neighbor icon on the friend bar on the bottom portion of the game screen. After clicking the neighbor, select the hire button and pay the required coin. After you've paid the coin, you may now instantly tend a cluster of objects on your homestead! Neighbors with higher Reputation Levels will be able to tend more objects at once.

            Reputation Level

            You earn reputation points every time you tend an object on a neighbor's homestead. As you collect reputation points, you will increase your Reputation Level. A good reputation will make you more useful to friends that choose to hire you! It also lets you visit more friends each day and receive bonuses.


            You can receive gifts from your friends as well as send them gifts. To send a gift to a friend click on the 'Free Gift' tab or click on a friend's icon on your friend bar. You may also send a friend a gift by going to your inventory menu. Gifts can be items such as collectibles, trees and animals. Be sure to add the items you really want to have to your Wishlist so you can share it with your friends! Send your friends gifts often, and they'll be sure to return the favor!


            You can gain a spouse by completing various quests. You may also gain a child by completing quests but only after you have gained a spouse. If you wish to customize a family member simply go to the Family Album and click the customize button under the family member you wish to customize.


            Dangerous varmints have a habit of showing up when you're trying to work. Performing actions on the frontier leaves you at risk of snake, groundhog, or even bear attacks! Varmints will make certain objects red on your homestead. The red objects will cost an extra energy to clear, tend, chop or harvest. To remove a varmint from your homestead you have to attack it the required number of times or chase it outside your homestead border.