Happy New Year 2011
We at Pwnthis.net wishes everyone of you a HAPPY NEW YEAR!
Look forward to the new year and set new resolutions which you can work towards. Have an awesome 2011 !!
Plants vs. Zombies on Facebook
Plants vs. Zombies on Facebook !

Download required files [ download ] // wait for timer, click download, click download again. Any issues try it on another browser before commenting.
Required Tools [Download these tools | Tool's Tutorial ]:
Download required files [ download ] // wait for timer, click download, click download again. Any issues try it on another browser before commenting.
Required Tools [Download these tools | Tool's Tutorial ]:
- Fiddler2
- Download required files above
- Firefox
- Download data.xml from the link above.
- Open Fiddler
- Go to the Autoresponder tab
- Make sure both "Enable automatic...." and "Permit passthrough...." are both checked.
- Drag the data.xml into the autoresponder or you can manually add the rule editor:
REGEX:(?insx).*data\.xml$ - Set Fiddler: ForceOn in Firefox
- Enter Plants vs. Zombies [ play now ]
- Press the following keys to activate the various cheat. There is no increment of sunray cheat.
Cheat key keyCombo = "4" effect: refreshSeedsCheat
Cheat key keyCombo = "5" effect: spawnAwardCheat
Cheat key keyCombo = "6" effect: freePlantingCheat
Cheat key keyCombo = "," effect: previousLevelCheat
Cheat key keyCombo = "." Effect: nextLevelCheat
Cheat key keyCombo = "/" effect: spawnWaveCheat
Cheat key keyCombo = "z" effect: spawnNormalZombieCheat
Cheat key keyCombo = "s" effect: spawnScreendoorZombieCheat
Cheat key keyCombo = "n" effect: spawnNewspaperZombieCheat
Cheat key keyCombo = "f" effect: spawnFootballZombieCheat
Cheat key keyCombo = "b" effect: spawnBucketZombieCheat
Cheat key keyCombo = "c" effect: spawnConeheadZombieCheat
Cheat key keyCombo = "p" effect: spawnPolevaultZombieCheat
Cheat key keyCombo = "g" effect: spawnGraveZombieCheat
Cheat key keyCombo = "u" effect: unlockAllModes
Happy Baby 開心寶貝(开心宝贝) 31st December
This is for this week's Happy Baby.
Old versions of Pet Society's Easy Dig+, Easy Level is still working so there will not be any updates for that till there is a need for one.
Have fun and have a great New Year!
Download required files [ download ] // wait for timer, click download, click download again. Any issues try it on another browser before commenting.
Required Tools [Download these tools | Tool's Tutorial ]:

Credits: Zoey@Pwnthis.net
Old versions of Pet Society's Easy Dig+, Easy Level is still working so there will not be any updates for that till there is a need for one.
Have fun and have a great New Year!
Download required files [ download ] // wait for timer, click download, click download again. Any issues try it on another browser before commenting.
Required Tools [Download these tools | Tool's Tutorial ]:
- download required files above
- Fiddler
- Play Happy Baby [ play now ]
- A Chinese version of Pet Society. Extremely similar.
Credits: Zoey@Pwnthis.net
- Download Main.swf from the links above. www.pwnthis.net
- Open fiddler and replace Main.swf. The rule editor are as required. If you do not know how to replace, read the Tool's Tutorial from the link above.
just paste this above line into the rule editor. It does not have to be regex or exact.
www.pwnthis.net - Reload Happy Baby . If replaced correctly, the lines will be highlighted.
- Cheat includes:
- Pet is artificially set to always being full health so it moves quickly and is allowed to jump rope.
- Jumping rope (unlocks at pet level 4) now rewards coins every other jump instead of every 10 jumpsYou don't have to click to jump. It just spins around and gives you coins.The game uses 'energy' to limit how much jump roping you can do in a given day (via server side calls), but if you don't have many friends in the game to visit (which also uses up energy), it's a fast way to convert energy into coins and pet points. Once you've emptied out your energy, you have to click to visit a friend to exit out of the jumprope. www.pwnthis.net
CityVille Cheats // Unlimited Storage Space
Required Tools [Download these tools | Tool's Tutorial ]:
- notepad++
Credits: inFamouszz@pwnthis.net
Steps @ www.pwnthis.net:
1. Enter CityVille and wait for game to load
2. Open a new tab and type: about:cache?device=disk
3. Ctrl + F and find: gameSettings.xml
4. You will see a line something like ---> http://assets.cityville.zynga.
5. Click on this line.
6. You should see something similar to this line:
file on disk: ----> C:\Users\user_name\AppData\
Local\Mozilla\Firefox\ 7. Copy the location 8. Open “My Computer” and paste ----> “C:\Users\user_name\AppData\ 9. Right click the file > Open With notepad++ . 10. Search for "capacity" . There will be many results.. so click "Find Next" until you see something similar to this ---> commodity name="goods" capacity="485".. 11. Change the value => capacity="485" to capacity="1000000" ... 12. Save (Ctrl+S) and reload CityVille. |
Restaurant City // Gold Items Cheat
Download required files [ download ] // wait for timer, click download, click download again. Any issues try it on another browser before commenting.
Required Tools [Download these tools | Tool's Tutorial ]:
Fireworks in Pet Society!
Credits: MC@ FBTrucos
Required Tools [Download these tools | Tool's Tutorial ]:
- Download required files above
- Fiddler [download]
- Firefox/Chrome
Fireworks in Pet Society!
Credits: MC@ FBTrucos
- Download required file from the links above. You will need winRAR (tools section) to extract the .dat files out. www.pwnthis.net
- Open fiddler and replace avatar.bin and restaurant.bin. The rule editor are as required. If you do not know how to replace, read the Tool's Tutorial from the link above.
www.pwnthis.net - Reload RC. If replaced correctly, the lines will be highlighted.
- Now just click on Decorate and scroll/find the gold items. Some of them will include the gold tiger, gold unicorn. www.pwnthis.net
Pet Society // Cash Wig Dyes and Fireworks
Download required files [ download ] // wait for timer, click download, click download again. Any issues try it on another browser before commenting.
Required Tools [Download these tools | Tool's Tutorial ]:
Fireworks in Pet Society!
Credits: MC@ FBTrucos
Required Tools [Download these tools | Tool's Tutorial ]:
- Download required files above
- Fiddler [download]
- Firefox/Chrome
Fireworks in Pet Society!
Credits: MC@ FBTrucos
- Download Database from the links above. You will need winRAR (tools section) to extract the .dat files out. www.pwnthis.net
- Open fiddler and replace database.dat, shopMystery.dat. The rule editor are as required. If you do not know how to replace, read the Tool's Tutorial from the link above.
www.pwnthis.net - Reload Pet Society. If replaced correctly, the lines will be highlighted.
- Now just visit the Mystery Shop and have fun shopping www.pwnthis.net
CityVille Snow Cheat
Download required files [ download ] // wait for timer, click download, click download again.
Required Tools [Download these tools | Tool's Tutorial ]:
Required Tools [Download these tools | Tool's Tutorial ]:
- Notepad ++ [download]
- Download required file above and follow the steps
- Firefox
- Some analytical thinking as it is quite common sense why this cheat works the moment you changed certain lines. Think about it logically and you will understand.
CityVille Cheats // Plugin v9
Get version 9 now! More features such as instant growth, accepting neighbors help and more!
Download required files [ download ] // wait for timer, click download, click download again. Any issues try it on another browser before commenting.

Thanks to the weekly updates by 12christiaan. I have already donated to him for his awesome work. Have you?
Download required files [ download ] // wait for timer, click download, click download again. Any issues try it on another browser before commenting.
- Added removal of Withered crops [Crops v0.3]
- Preperations for Inventory Plugin (database creation etc).
- Update to Neighbors plugin to store energy options. [Neighbors v0.4]
- Accept Neighbors help. [Neighbors v0.4]
- Preperations for multi lang support.
- Added goods_pier to be counted in the total storage goods. It was missing.
- Collecting daily bonus added in buildings. [Buildings v0.4]
- Energy update to prevent loops. [Energy v0.6]
- Added instant grow (Harvest withing 5 Sec.) [Crops v0.3]
Thanks to the weekly updates by 12christiaan. I have already donated to him for his awesome work. Have you?
Millionaire City Money Cheat // Change that bonus!
Download required files [ download ] // wait for timer, click download, click download again. Any issues try it on another browser before commenting.
Required Tools [Download these tools | Tool's Tutorial ]:
Want to be a millionaire like me? Find out how just by downloading the required file in the link above. Follow the steps, and you can be a millionaire easily!
There is a video tutorial in the steps so watch that video if you can follow my steps :)
Required Tools [Download these tools | Tool's Tutorial ]:
- Cheat Engine
- Firefox
Want to be a millionaire like me? Find out how just by downloading the required file in the link above. Follow the steps, and you can be a millionaire easily!
There is a video tutorial in the steps so watch that video if you can follow my steps :)
Ninja Saga Cheats // 3 in 1 Awesomeness version 1.3
Got this quite some time ago, but kinda lazy to post it up. Just tested today and still working so here you go. Seems like stuff that I do not post seldom gets patched that quickly :p
Download required files [ download ] // wait for timer, click download, click download again. Any issues try it on another browser before commenting.
Required Tools [Download these tools | Tool's Tutorial ]:
All the new bosses (even the gingerbrat) are level 1. So its basically a 1 hit KO.
Go to Shop > Items for:

Download required files [ download ] // wait for timer, click download, click download again. Any issues try it on another browser before commenting.
Required Tools [Download these tools | Tool's Tutorial ]:
- required files above
- fiddler
All the new bosses (even the gingerbrat) are level 1. So its basically a 1 hit KO.
Go to Shop > Items for:
- Reset Points
- 50M (Check your gear after using this option. Then sell those items for the coins)
- 2 level 100 NPC to fight in your team (You can keep purchasing this)
- Download required files above
- Extract all the files to your desktop
- Open Fiddler
- Use your mouse, Drag downloaded files (all the .swf files) into the Autoresponder tab in fiddler
- It should look like this. Make sure "Enable auto.." and "Permit pass..." are both ticked.
(it should look something like the screenshot. Make sure you drag ALL the files into fiddler) - Just enter Ninja Saga [ play now ]
- Just fight those bosses and it's 1 hit KO. If it isn't, you have not replaced the files correctly, because I have tested it. (clear browser cache will definitely help if you have trouble)
- Also, all missions are now instant finished.
- Cheat with some common sense. Do NOT abuse or you will get banned.
Terranova Coins and EXP Cheat
Required Tools [Download these tools | Tool's Tutorial ]:

- Cheat Engine [ download ]
- Firefox
- Enter Terranova [ play now ]
- Open Cheat Engine
- Select 'plugin-container.exe' in the process list. (Firefox users)
- 4 bytes, scan current amount of coins.
- Spend some coins.
- NEXT scan new amount of coins.
- 1 address left. Double click this address so that it shows up in the CE editor table.
- Change the value to any amount you want.
- You can do the same for EXP. Keep planting to continuously level up.
CityVille Fast Harvest with Cheat Engine
Required Tools [Download these tools | Tool's Tutorial ]:
- Cheat Engine
- Firefox
- Enter CityVille [play now]
- Open Cheat Engine
- Click on the "Select a process to open" icon
- For Firefox users, select plugin-container.exe
For Chrome users, select the 3rd Chrome.exe - Grow strawberries on your empty farm plot.
- Enable speedhack in Cheat Engine and change value to 5000 and click APPLY.
- Immediately, change the value back to 1 and click APPLY again.
- You should see that all the strawberries are ready.
- You will need energy to harvest them. Energy generated during the speedhack will NOT work and will cause a game error. < People who comment on this cannot read.
- Watch the video if unclear.
CityVille Tip // Check your collection
For those of you who followed my tip of growing Strawberries to level up fast, check your collections! You should have completed a lot of it and each of it gives you 3 XP so go grab them all!

For those who do not know how to use the bot to grow strawberries, follow these steps:

For those who do not know how to use the bot to grow strawberries, follow these steps:
- Go to the Crops tab
- Select strawberries for crop
- Select 5000 for count. This will grow strawberries 5000 times.
- Click on the + button
- Check the Harvest Crops" checkbox
- Click save settings
- Now when your bot is running, it will automatically harvest and grow strawberries.
- Make sure you have empty farming land in your city. This works best with energy grabber. It's how I reach level 30+ in just one day.
CityVille Cheats // Coins Energy Exp
Download the Plugins again as it has been improved to v8 for better energy searching. Download it now!
Well, it has been leaked so here you goooo. Has been working for a couple of days already. So if you are all wondering how did people level up so fast, here you go.

Download required files // wait for timer, click download, click download again. Any issues try it on another browser before commenting.
Screenshot: [ download ]
CityVille Bot: [ download ]
Plugins by 12christiaan + improved Energy grabber [ download ] (UPDATED to VERSION 8 - Faster Energy Grabber + Train/Ships in the building Plugin)
The energy grabber plugin by 12christiaan is very working extremely well and that is why i decided to donate to him for an awesome piece of work. Nice one Christiaan!
Read this: If you cant find any more energy, just add more neighbours. More neighbours = more energy.
Well, it has been leaked so here you goooo. Has been working for a couple of days already. So if you are all wondering how did people level up so fast, here you go.
Download required files // wait for timer, click download, click download again. Any issues try it on another browser before commenting.
Screenshot: [ download ]
CityVille Bot: [ download ]
Plugins by 12christiaan + improved Energy grabber [ download ] (UPDATED to VERSION 8 - Faster Energy Grabber + Train/Ships in the building Plugin)
The energy grabber plugin by 12christiaan is very working extremely well and that is why i decided to donate to him for an awesome piece of work. Nice one Christiaan!
Read this: If you cant find any more energy, just add more neighbours. More neighbours = more energy.
- Download CityVille Bot and Plugins from the links above.
- Install CityVille Bot
- Extract the 2 folders from the .zip file to your desktop.
- Go to Windows Explorer, and browse to the folder where CityVille Bot is installed (default is at C:\Programs Files..)
- Copy the 2 folders from the Plugins into the folder where the Bot is installed and REPLACE all the files.
C:\Program Files\CityVilleBot\codebase-php\BotClass.php replace this file
C:\Program Files\CityVilleBot\codebase-php\LocalDataClass.php replace this file
C:\Program Files\Plugins\Neighbors\* 5 copied files - replace
C:\Program Files\Plugins\Energy\* 5 copied files - replace
C:\Program Files\Plugins\UnlimitedCoins\* 5 copied files - replace
You copied this steps from http://www.pwnthis.net - Once done, just open the CityVilleBot.exe (For VISTA and WIN7 users, right click the CityVilleBot.exe and select "Run As Administrator") IMPORTANT OR IT WILL NOT WORK.
- Log into your facebook account. (Don't worry, it's not a scam. You can log into a spare account first if you are afraid, but you will definitely get logged in) http://www.pwnthis.net
- Just click "Start"
- Watch the bot start up and you should get a screen like this.
- Click on PluginsManager to ACTIVE/DEACTIVE the cheats that you want or do not want.
- For Energy, it works by grabbing your neighbors' neighbors +3 energy when you visit them. DO NOT GO CRAZY ON THIS OR YOUR GAME WILL BREAK. Just do it 100-200 energy each time. If you want to be greedy and spoil your own game, have fun with it :p
- Always remember to UNTICK the "Pause!" if you want the cheat to work. It's all in English so go play around yourself. It's pretty easy and works really great.
- For easy leveling just do what I'm doing. In the Crops section, just plant like 1000 strawberries. Make sure you have lots of empty farming land in your game. Use Energy + Farming to level up really fast.
- As for Unlimited Coins, just put 20 cycles will get you A LOT of coins already. Do NOT be greedy!
- Lastly, really do NOT abuse the bot or it will get patched soon. Have fun!
ESPNU College Town Promo Gift Code
From the developers of SOCIAL CITY, we bring to you, ESPNU College Town. It's the football season!
Build your own University and recruit the best athletes to challenge your rivals! Construct everything from Dorms & Classrooms to huge Sports Stadiums! Will you be revered for creating the best University, or will you be crushed by the competition?
Click to play [play now]
Well, with these items, you will be getting a headstart over all your friends. These items are pretty cool so grab them all. Some promo codes are no longer working but most of them are still working as shown in my screenshots below. I just got those items a few minutes ago so have fun!
Build your own University and recruit the best athletes to challenge your rivals! Construct everything from Dorms & Classrooms to huge Sports Stadiums! Will you be revered for creating the best University, or will you be crushed by the competition?
Click to play [play now]
Well, with these items, you will be getting a headstart over all your friends. These items are pretty cool so grab them all. Some promo codes are no longer working but most of them are still working as shown in my screenshots below. I just got those items a few minutes ago so have fun!
- Enter ESPNU College Town [play now]
- Click on the PROMO tab at the top of the game menu.
- You should see the cheerleader screen asking for the promo code. Just paste these codes and click Submit.
- 86R3c1B3
cr1ocmeb & Breakfast
Pool Nation
JimmyVHave fun with these items! It's a cool university game with the same Social City graphics.
Island Paradise X'mas Gifts
Just click these images below to collect your free X'mas Gifts for Island Paradise. You can collect 5 gifts max daily! www.pwnthis.net
Merry Christmas !!
Merry Christmas !!
Merry Christmas !!
Last X'mas I gave you my heart, but the very next day you gave it away.
Ninja Saga // 1 HIT KO Gingerbread
Download required files [ download ] // wait for timer, click download, click download again. Any issues try it on another browser before commenting.
Required Tools [Download these tools | Tool's Tutorial ]:

Required Tools [Download these tools | Tool's Tutorial ]:
- Fiddler
- Download required files
- Firefox/chrome
- Download required files above
- Extract all the files to your desktop
- Open Fiddler
- Use your mouse, Drag downloaded files (the en_152.swf file) into the Autoresponder tab in fiddler
- It should look like this. Make sure "Enable auto.." and "Permit pass..." are both ticked.
- Clear browser cache.
- Enter Ninja Saga [ play now ]
- Go to the hunting house and fight the Gingerbread hero. 1 hit and he should be dead, else you did not replace the .swf file properly. Remember to clear browser cache!
Nnja Saga // Special Christmas's Mission
Download required files [ download ] // wait for timer, click download, click download again. Any issues try it on another browser before commenting.
For those having problems completing their daily special mission puzzles, you can use these completed puzzles as a reference. Just download the file above to get the solution to the puzzles.

------------------------------------Farmville Christmas Gifts Glitch
1.Main Account
2.Dummy Account
Credits: Mr Water@pwnthis.net
Steps: Pwnthis.net
1.) Log in your main account and load farmville.Pwnthis.net
2.) Open 10-20 tabs
3.) Copy this link and paste on the tabs (or you can just right click the link below and open in new tab 20 times.)
4.)In all the tabs, select your dummy account. Once all tabs have the dummy account selected, start sending the Gift request out.
5.)Now log into your dummy account and go to game requests and accept all the requests that you sent.
6.)After accepting all of the requests, log back in your main account load Farmville. You should see all the 20 gifts in your gift storage(the one with an icon of a gift box).
Remember: You can only use this glitch once per day, so open a lot of tabs to abuse it!
Happy Baby 開心寶貝(开心宝贝) 16th Dec
Download required files [ download ] // wait for timer, click download, click download again. Any issues try it on another browser before commenting.
Required Tools [Download these tools | Tool's Tutorial ]:

Credits: Zoey@Pwnthis.net
Required Tools [Download these tools | Tool's Tutorial ]:
- download required files above
- Fiddler
- Play Happy Baby [ play now ]
- A Chinese version of Pet Society. Extremely similar.
Credits: Zoey@Pwnthis.net
- Download Main.swf from the links above. www.pwnthis.net
- Open fiddler and replace Main.swf. The rule editor are as required. If you do not know how to replace, read the Tool's Tutorial from the link above.
just paste this above line into the rule editor. It does not have to be regex or exact.
www.pwnthis.net - Reload Happy Baby . If replaced correctly, the lines will be highlighted.
- Cheat includes:
- Pet is artificially set to always being full health so it moves quickly and is allowed to jump rope.
- Jumping rope (unlocks at pet level 4) now rewards coins every other jump instead of every 10 jumpsYou don't have to click to jump. It just spins around and gives you coins.The game uses 'energy' to limit how much jump roping you can do in a given day (via server side calls), but if you don't have many friends in the game to visit (which also uses up energy), it's a fast way to convert energy into coins and pet points. Once you've emptied out your energy, you have to click to visit a friend to exit out of the jumprope. www.pwnthis.net
Pet Society // Easy Mode DB version 2138.4
>>>>> Register an account to be able to download more files. It's free to register. <<<<<
Download EASY DIG/FISH [ download ] // wait for timer, click download, click download again. Any issues try it on another browser before commenting.
Easy Dig consists of- New method of digging,fast fishing, all pets dirty, fast cleaning, use your neighbor's dye table, female newcomer clothes on new female accounts and auto harvest (Just go to the garden and you will see the button)
Download EASY LEVEL [ download ] // wait for timer, click download, click download again. Any issues try it on another browser before commenting.
Update: You get 4000 pet points per tick now!
Easy Level consists of- When you scrub other people's pets, you get A LOT MORE pet points and thus level more quickly.
Required Tools [Download these tools | Tool's Tutorial ]:
Credits: Zoey@pwnthis.net
Remember to comment and thank Zoey for her continuous updates!
Note: You may need to send 1-2 failed digs at the cash digging area since Playfish seems to hate us if we dig all 5 cash items out.
DIG ONE TREASURE, SEND 5 FAILED DIGS, DIG YOUR NEXT TREASURE. This does bring down the probability of getting suspended but yes, still not 100% suspension free. So use your secondary account to dig if you do not like to be suspended for 24 hours. (and yes, shovels will be used for failed digs to prevent the suspension hammer)
Basically, when you enter a digging land, those plots that has been dug = treasures. Do NOT keep clicking on such plots as we want to simulate digging failure. So you can still utilize all the free cash digs. Just remember to go to the coins digging area and send some failed digs.
Steps.by.pwnthis :
The first is if you buy bait and then go catch a fish you will lose connection to the game and go to an error screen. To work around, you have to buy your bait, save the game and reload, and then go fishing.
The other is that the limit to the number of each cash fish has been raised from 5 to 50. Blech. Zoey may be 'fixing' that for next week if they don't address it soon.
>>>>> Register an account to be able to download more files. It's free to register. <<<<<
Download EASY DIG/FISH [ download ] // wait for timer, click download, click download again. Any issues try it on another browser before commenting.
Easy Dig consists of- New method of digging,fast fishing, all pets dirty, fast cleaning, use your neighbor's dye table, female newcomer clothes on new female accounts and auto harvest (Just go to the garden and you will see the button)
Download EASY LEVEL [ download ] // wait for timer, click download, click download again. Any issues try it on another browser before commenting.
Update: You get 4000 pet points per tick now!
Easy Level consists of- When you scrub other people's pets, you get A LOT MORE pet points and thus level more quickly.
Required Tools [Download these tools | Tool's Tutorial ]:
- Download above required files
- Fiddler (read the tutorial if you do not know how to replace)
Credits: Zoey@pwnthis.net
Remember to comment and thank Zoey for her continuous updates!
Note: You may need to send 1-2 failed digs at the cash digging area since Playfish seems to hate us if we dig all 5 cash items out.
DIG ONE TREASURE, SEND 5 FAILED DIGS, DIG YOUR NEXT TREASURE. This does bring down the probability of getting suspended but yes, still not 100% suspension free. So use your secondary account to dig if you do not like to be suspended for 24 hours. (and yes, shovels will be used for failed digs to prevent the suspension hammer)
Basically, when you enter a digging land, those plots that has been dug = treasures. Do NOT keep clicking on such plots as we want to simulate digging failure. So you can still utilize all the free cash digs. Just remember to go to the coins digging area and send some failed digs.
Steps.by.pwnthis :
- Download the files above.
- Open Fiddler. www.pwnthis.net
- Go to Autoresponder and ensure both 'Enable Automatic.. ' and 'Permit pass...' are ticked
- Click ADD. www.pwnthis.net
- A 'String To Match' will appear. change it to
REGEX:(?insx)http://d2syub29v5lge2.cloudfront.net/game/pets/swf/.*/pets.swf - Click on the ▼ button beside the Save and select 'Browse a file'.
- Browse to the files that you have downloaded above and select the file you just downloaded from me 'pets2136.4-ezdig.swf' / ezlevel.swf
- Click SAVE. www.pwnthis.net
- Now, just clear cache and load Pet Society.
- Now just enter digging land and have fun...
CityVille Cheats // Cash cheat to help you complete your buildings
Required Tools [Download these tools | Tool's Tutorial ]:

Credits: astuceville
- charles
- firefox
Credits: astuceville
- Open Charles
- Enter CityVille [ play now ]
- Go to Charles first and find the line "http://fb-client-0.cityville.zynga.com"
- Expand it and you will see 'flashservices/'
- Expand and you will see a lot of gateway.php(FlashService...)
- Right click any of the gateway.php and select "Breakpoints"
- Now, reload CityVille.
- A Breakpoint tab will appear in Charles.
- Press EXECUTE once.
- Another breakpoint will appear with an Edit Request tab
- Expand everything till you can see your own profile with the number of coins and cash that you have. (watch video to understand this step better)
- Change the cash value to 100
- Go back to your session tab and remove the breakpoint.
- Go back to the breakpoint tab and Click Execute
- The game will now load and you should see your new cash. Spend them on the community buildings now as they will disappear.
Pet Society // Easy Mode DB version 2137.6
>>>>> Register an account to be able to download more files. It's free to register. <<<<<
Download EASY DIG/FISH [ download ] // wait for timer, click download, click download again. Any issues try it on another browser before commenting.
Easy Dig consists of- New method of digging,fast fishing, all pets dirty, fast cleaning, use your neighbor's dye table, female newcomer clothes on new female accounts and auto harvest (Just go to the garden and you will see the button)
Download EASY LEVEL [ download ] // wait for timer, click download, click download again. Any issues try it on another browser before commenting.
Update: You get 4000 pet points per tick now!
Easy Level consists of- When you scrub other people's pets, you get A LOT MORE pet points and thus level more quickly.
Required Tools [Download these tools | Tool's Tutorial ]:
Credits: Zoey@pwnthis.net
Remember to comment and thank Zoey for her continuous updates!
Note: You may need to send 1-2 failed digs at the cash digging area since Playfish seems to hate us if we dig all 5 cash items out.
DIG ONE TREASURE, SEND 5 FAILED DIGS, DIG YOUR NEXT TREASURE. This does bring down the probability of getting suspended but yes, still not 100% suspension free. So use your secondary account to dig if you do not like to be suspended for 24 hours. (and yes, shovels will be used for failed digs to prevent the suspension hammer)
Basically, when you enter a digging land, those plots that has been dug = treasures. Do NOT keep clicking on such plots as we want to simulate digging failure. So you can still utilize all the free cash digs. Just remember to go to the coins digging area and send some failed digs.
Both Zoey and I are glad that suspension rates are extremely low now with our current method of digging. It definitely does help when you do a lot of other stuff in between digs and also send some failed digs.
Steps.by.pwnthis :
Download EASY DIG/FISH [ download ] // wait for timer, click download, click download again. Any issues try it on another browser before commenting.
Easy Dig consists of- New method of digging,fast fishing, all pets dirty, fast cleaning, use your neighbor's dye table, female newcomer clothes on new female accounts and auto harvest (Just go to the garden and you will see the button)
Download EASY LEVEL [ download ] // wait for timer, click download, click download again. Any issues try it on another browser before commenting.
Update: You get 4000 pet points per tick now!
Easy Level consists of- When you scrub other people's pets, you get A LOT MORE pet points and thus level more quickly.
Required Tools [Download these tools | Tool's Tutorial ]:
- Download above required files
- Fiddler (read the tutorial if you do not know how to replace)
Credits: Zoey@pwnthis.net
Remember to comment and thank Zoey for her continuous updates!
Note: You may need to send 1-2 failed digs at the cash digging area since Playfish seems to hate us if we dig all 5 cash items out.
DIG ONE TREASURE, SEND 5 FAILED DIGS, DIG YOUR NEXT TREASURE. This does bring down the probability of getting suspended but yes, still not 100% suspension free. So use your secondary account to dig if you do not like to be suspended for 24 hours. (and yes, shovels will be used for failed digs to prevent the suspension hammer)
Basically, when you enter a digging land, those plots that has been dug = treasures. Do NOT keep clicking on such plots as we want to simulate digging failure. So you can still utilize all the free cash digs. Just remember to go to the coins digging area and send some failed digs.
Both Zoey and I are glad that suspension rates are extremely low now with our current method of digging. It definitely does help when you do a lot of other stuff in between digs and also send some failed digs.
Steps.by.pwnthis :
- Download the files above.
- Open Fiddler. www.pwnthis.net
- Go to Autoresponder and ensure both 'Enable Automatic.. ' and 'Permit pass...' are ticked
- Click ADD. www.pwnthis.net
- A 'String To Match' will appear. change it to
REGEX:(?insx)http://d2syub29v5lge2.cloudfront.net/game/pets/swf/.*/pets.swf - Click on the ▼ button beside the Save and select 'Browse a file'.
- Browse to the files that you have downloaded above and select the file you just downloaded from me 'pets2136.4-ezdig.swf' / ezlevel.swf
- Click SAVE. www.pwnthis.net
- Now, just clear cache and load Pet Society.
- Now just enter digging land and have fun...
Happy Baby 開心寶貝(开心宝贝) 9th Dec
New Updates:
Required Tools [Download these tools | Tool's Tutorial ]:

Credits: Zoey@Pwnthis.net
- Faster pet cleaning
- Takes only one tick to clean pets, and you don't need to waste time picking up the soap.
- Just pat the pet and it becomes clean. It's like shaking them down for their lunch money.
Required Tools [Download these tools | Tool's Tutorial ]:
- download required files above
- Fiddler
- Play Happy Baby [ play now ]
- A Chinese version of Pet Society. Extremely similar.
Credits: Zoey@Pwnthis.net
- Download Main.swf from the links above. www.pwnthis.net
- Open fiddler and replace Main.swf. The rule editor are as required. If you do not know how to replace, read the Tool's Tutorial from the link above.
just paste this above line into the rule editor. It does not have to be regex or exact.
www.pwnthis.net - Reload Happy Baby . If replaced correctly, the lines will be highlighted.
- Cheat includes:
- Pet is artificially set to always being full health so it moves quickly and is allowed to jump rope.
- Jumping rope (unlocks at pet level 4) now rewards coins every other jump instead of every 10 jumpsYou don't have to click to jump. It just spins around and gives you coins.The game uses 'energy' to limit how much jump roping you can do in a given day (via server side calls), but if you don't have many friends in the game to visit (which also uses up energy), it's a fast way to convert energy into coins and pet points. Once you've emptied out your energy, you have to click to visit a friend to exit out of the jumprope. www.pwnthis.net
CityVille Coins Cheat v2
Join infe.st. Share files and earn money with them. They pay on a weekly basis the moment you reach the minimum cash out threshold.
Required Tools [Download these tools | Tool's Tutorial ]:

Credits: Slax@farmvilleguru.proboards.com
Required Tools [Download these tools | Tool's Tutorial ]:
- Charles
- Firefox
- Follow my steps closely
Credits: Slax@farmvilleguru.proboards.com
- Open Charles.
- Enter CityVille (play now)
- Make sure you can see both CityVille and Charles on your monitor screen as the timing as to be FAST.
- Find the line "fb-client-0.cityville.zynga.com" visit www.pwnthis.net for more cheats.
- Expand it, and expand flashservice/
- You should see some gateway.php.
- Collect your rent and money from the businesses. Coins and Stars will drop out.
- Notice your TOP RIGHT hand corner of the game. As you click on these coins and stars, there is a BONUS bar. The moment this bonus bar has the word "EXCELLENT", quickly right click any gateway.php and select Breakpoints. visit www.pwnthis.net for more cheats.
- You will notice in the game you will get 30bonus coins. If done correctly, a breakpoint tab will now appear in Charles. visit www.pwnthis.net for more cheats.
- Find for this amount "30" as shown in the image below.
- Change it to 500,000 or LESSER. Don't be too greedy as a huge value will not work.
- This definitely works so if 500,000 doesnt work for you, use a smaller value like 20,000.
- Click EXECUTE 2 times. Clear the breakpoint from the gateway.php
- Refresh CityVille and you should see your new coins. visit www.pwnthis.net for more cheats.
Ninja Saga - Reset, 50M Gold, 2 level 100 teammates
Download required files [ download ] // wait for timer, click download, click download again. Any issues try it on another browser before commenting.
Credits: Ryuzaki
Required Tools [Download these tools | Tool's Tutorial ]:
Credits: Ryuzaki
Required Tools [Download these tools | Tool's Tutorial ]:
- Fiddler2
- Download required files
- Firefox/Chrome
- Download the required file from the link above.
- It is in .rar format, so you will need WinRAR to extract the files out. (Can be downloaded at the Tool's Section)
- Extract all 3 files out.
- Open Fiddler.
- Select all 3 files and drag them all into the Autoresponder tab of Fiddler.
- Make sure 'Enable auto...' and 'Permit passthrough...' are both ticked.
- Enter Ninja Saga. If you are using firefox, make sure Fiddler mode is ForceOn. (Check the Tool's Tutorial above if first time using fiddler)
- If all 3 files are replaced correctly, visit the SHOP in Ninja Saga and go to Items.
- You should see 3 items. Reset, 50M and Invite GODKNOWS team.
- Just select the cheat you want. If you want to have both Ryuzaki and MissDex to fight for you, select GODKNOWS team. They are both level 100. Have fun.
- For coins cheat, check your gear and sell for $$
CityVille Coins Cheat
// Tested and working.
Required Tools [Download these tools | Tool's Tutorial ]:
Credits: boomblsangUSAUK@tottallyfarmville
Required Tools [Download these tools | Tool's Tutorial ]:
- Charles Proxy Debugging
- Firefox
Credits: boomblsangUSAUK@tottallyfarmville
- Open Charles
- Enter CityVille [ play now ]
- Play the game until you have at least 1 business building. The cheapest is the bakery, so purchase that.
- Wait for 10 people to visit the bakery and you will notice a Green Money Bag at the top of the building.
- Go to Charles first and find the line "http://fb-client-0.cityville.zynga.com"
- Expand it and you will see 'flashservices/'
- Expand and you will see a lot of gateway.php(FlashService...)
- Right click any of the gateway.php and select "Breakpoints"
- Now, click on the green money bag in CityVille.
- A Breakpoint tab will appear in Charles.
- Expand everything till you see something like the image below.
- Change the value 10 to 10000 (dont make it too high or you may get an error)
- Click Execute
- Click Execute again
- Now, remove the Breakpoint from the gateway.php
- Refresh the game, you should see your new coins. Have fun.
Pet Society // Mega Database 2136.4
Download required files [ download ] // wait for timer, click download, click download again. Any issues try it on another browser before commenting.
Required Tools [Download these tools | Tool's Tutorial ]:

Credits: MC@ FB-Trucos.com
Required Tools [Download these tools | Tool's Tutorial ]:
- fiddler2
- download required files above
Credits: MC@ FB-Trucos.com
- Download Database from the links above. You will need winRAR (tools section) to extract the .dat files out. www.pwnthis.net
- Open fiddler and replace database.dat, shopgarden.dat, collaborativeitems.dat. The rule editor are as required. If you do not know how to replace, read the Tool's Tutorial from the link above.
www.pwnthis.net - Reload Pet Society. If replaced correctly, the lines will be highlighted.
- Now just visit the Outdoor Shop and have fun shopping www.pwnthis.net
Happy Baby 開心寶貝(开心宝贝) 3rd Dec
Download required files [ download ] // wait for timer, click download, click download again. Any issues try it on another browser before commenting. Register an account to be able to download more files. It's free to register.
Required Tools [Download these tools | Tool's Tutorial ]:

Credits: Zoey@Pwnthis.net
Required Tools [Download these tools | Tool's Tutorial ]:
- download required files above
- Fiddler
- Play Happy Baby [ play now ]
- A Chinese version of Pet Society. Extremely similar.
Credits: Zoey@Pwnthis.net
- Download Main.swf from the links above. www.pwnthis.net
- Open fiddler and replace Main.swf. The rule editor are as required. If you do not know how to replace, read the Tool's Tutorial from the link above.
just paste this above line into the rule editor. It does not have to be regex or exact.
www.pwnthis.net - Reload Happy Baby . If replaced correctly, the lines will be highlighted.
- Cheat includes:
- Pet is artificially set to always being full health so it moves quickly and is allowed to jump rope.
- Jumping rope (unlocks at pet level 4) now rewards coins every other jump instead of every 10 jumpsYou don't have to click to jump. It just spins around and gives you coins.The game uses 'energy' to limit how much jump roping you can do in a given day (via server side calls), but if you don't have many friends in the game to visit (which also uses up energy), it's a fast way to convert energy into coins and pet points. Once you've emptied out your energy, you have to click to visit a friend to exit out of the jumprope. www.pwnthis.net
Pet Society Easy Mode - 3 Dec 2010
>>>>> Register an account to be able to download more files. It's free to register. <<<<<
Download EASY DIG/FISH [ download ] // wait for timer, click download, click download again. Any issues try it on another browser before commenting.
Easy Dig consists of- New method of digging,fast fishing, all pets dirty, fast cleaning, use your neighbor's dye table, female newcomer clothes on new female accounts and auto harvest (Just go to the garden and you will see the button)
Download EASY LEVEL [ download ] // wait for timer, click download, click download again. Any issues try it on another browser before commenting.
Update: You get 4000 pet points per tick now!
Easy Level consists of- When you scrub other people's pets, you get A LOT MORE pet points and thus level more quickly.
Required Tools [Download these tools | Tool's Tutorial ]:
Credits: Zoey@pwnthis.net
Remember to comment and thank Zoey for her continuous updates!
Note: You may need to send 1-2 failed digs at the cash digging area since Playfish seems to hate us if we dig all 5 cash items out.
DIG ONE TREASURE, SEND 5 FAILED DIGS, DIG YOUR NEXT TREASURE. This does bring down the probability of getting suspended but yes, still not 100% suspension free. So use your secondary account to dig if you do not like to be suspended for 24 hours. (and yes, shovels will be used for failed digs to prevent the suspension hammer)
Basically, when you enter a digging land, those plots that has been dug = treasures. Do NOT keep clicking on such plots as we want to simulate digging failure. So you can still utilize all the free cash digs. Just remember to go to the coins digging area and send some failed digs.
Both Zoey and I are glad that suspension rates are extremely low now with our current method of digging. It definitely does help when you do a lot of other stuff in between digs and also send some failed digs.
Steps.by.pwnthis :
Download EASY DIG/FISH [ download ] // wait for timer, click download, click download again. Any issues try it on another browser before commenting.
Easy Dig consists of- New method of digging,fast fishing, all pets dirty, fast cleaning, use your neighbor's dye table, female newcomer clothes on new female accounts and auto harvest (Just go to the garden and you will see the button)
Download EASY LEVEL [ download ] // wait for timer, click download, click download again. Any issues try it on another browser before commenting.
Update: You get 4000 pet points per tick now!
Easy Level consists of- When you scrub other people's pets, you get A LOT MORE pet points and thus level more quickly.
Required Tools [Download these tools | Tool's Tutorial ]:
- Download above required files
- Fiddler (read the tutorial if you do not know how to replace)
Credits: Zoey@pwnthis.net
Remember to comment and thank Zoey for her continuous updates!
Note: You may need to send 1-2 failed digs at the cash digging area since Playfish seems to hate us if we dig all 5 cash items out.
DIG ONE TREASURE, SEND 5 FAILED DIGS, DIG YOUR NEXT TREASURE. This does bring down the probability of getting suspended but yes, still not 100% suspension free. So use your secondary account to dig if you do not like to be suspended for 24 hours. (and yes, shovels will be used for failed digs to prevent the suspension hammer)
Basically, when you enter a digging land, those plots that has been dug = treasures. Do NOT keep clicking on such plots as we want to simulate digging failure. So you can still utilize all the free cash digs. Just remember to go to the coins digging area and send some failed digs.
Both Zoey and I are glad that suspension rates are extremely low now with our current method of digging. It definitely does help when you do a lot of other stuff in between digs and also send some failed digs.
Steps.by.pwnthis :
- Download the files above.
- Open Fiddler. www.pwnthis.net
- Go to Autoresponder and ensure both 'Enable Automatic.. ' and 'Permit pass...' are ticked
- Click ADD. www.pwnthis.net
- A 'String To Match' will appear. change it to
REGEX:(?insx)http://d2syub29v5lge2.cloudfront.net/game/pets/swf/.*/pets.swf - Click on the ▼ button beside the Save and select 'Browse a file'.
- Browse to the files that you have downloaded above and select the file you just downloaded from me 'pets2136.4-ezdig.swf' / ezlevel.swf
- Click SAVE. www.pwnthis.net
- Now, just clear cache and load Pet Society.
- Now just enter digging land and have fun...
Millionaire City Money Cheat
Well, not as good as my previous few cheats but hey, blame yourself for being slow :p
Feel free to edit the .xml file and adjust the "incomeValue" Do not make it too high as the game will go in-sync.
What this cheat does is, firstly you will need to have Wonders such as the "Golden Statue" or the "Eiffel Tower". We adjust the incomeValue so that you gain an extremely high amount of % bonus.
Download required files [ download ] // wait for timer, click download, click download again. Any issues try it on another browser before commenting.
Required Tools [Download these tools | Tool's Tutorial ]:
Feel free to edit the .xml file and adjust the "incomeValue" Do not make it too high as the game will go in-sync.
What this cheat does is, firstly you will need to have Wonders such as the "Golden Statue" or the "Eiffel Tower". We adjust the incomeValue so that you gain an extremely high amount of % bonus.
Download required files [ download ] // wait for timer, click download, click download again. Any issues try it on another browser before commenting.
Required Tools [Download these tools | Tool's Tutorial ]:
- Fiddler2
- Download required files above
- Download required wonderDefinitions.xml from the links above
- You will be replacing this wonderDefinitions.
(Kindly read Fiddler's Tutorial if it is not working for you.)
pwnthis.net - Once done, just clear cache and load Millionaire City.
- Hover your mouse over the Wonders. pwnthis.net
- You should see the new % bonus
- Play the game normally and when you cash in, you will get A LOT more money based on the % of bonus income your Wonder building is giving.
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