Spartacus: Gods of the Arena Gifting Cheat

Required Tools [Download these tools | Tool's Tutorial ]:
  • Firefox/Chrome
  • 2 Facebook account. A main and a dummy. 
I have not released the 100% win and energy cheat yet as not many people seems interested. Not gonna let them patch it so soon so, use my hints and go figure it out.
  1. Open as many Gifts tabs as you can in your browser (you are in your dummy/secondary account) 
  2. Select the gift that you want, select your MAIN account (duhs, he has to be your friend). Do the same for all the tabs. Do NOT click Send yet.
  3. Once you have selected the gifts and your Main account in ALL the tabs, click Send.
  4. Log in your main account and you will see all the gift request. You will need to accept them one at a time. I would say gifting the Influence is the best as Stats can be cheated and 100% win cheat can easily gain you coins.
Enlarge the image below for a clearer understanding of the steps.

    Spartacus Cheats - Spartacus Gifting Cheat

    Spartacus: Gods of the Arena Cheats

    Click to PLAY [ Play Now ]
    Spartacus: Gods of the Arena is now on Facebook. The hugely popular TV serial based on ancient Rome where gladiators fight for their masters and bring honor to their ludus (House).

    Train and armor your gladiators for bloody battle as you fight your way to glory in Rome's Circus Maximus.

    * Buy and sell your charges!
    * Challenge your friends' warriors in the arena!
    * Make decisions who will live or die!
    * Based on Starz's hit series!


    In the Facebook game, you will need to purchase a Gladiator first. Training a Gladiator requires energy. You will need to train your Gladiator in 3 different aspects: Speed, Brawn and Vitality. Only the strongest remain standing in the arena. So make sure you train your gladiator before sending him to fight for glory.

    There are 2 buttons to click during the fight. Cheer which you click on when your gladiator is making the attack moves or Jeer when your opponent is the one attacking. You have to reach the "thumbs up" sign to ensure the crowd is happy and avoid death should you lose the fight. You will lose all your weapons purchased and training done if your gladiator died. So always ensure he survives!      

    You will definitely be invincible if you cheat in this game with some awesome god-smacking cheats.

    Okay, I do have some cheats that works. Pretty effective for a 100% success win rate at the expense of winning more coins. Will probably post it up if there are enough people who wants it I guess, as my cheats usually gets patched way too soon after posting it up. It's pretty easy so go figure out yourselves with the hint that I have given. I will only spoonfeed if there is a need to.

    A quick update on the cheats I have found:
    • Energy Cheat (working and awesome. Gonna set my bot to auto fight and level up)
    • 100% Win (working)
    • Coins/Money Cheat (working but slow and tedious so I prefer to use 100% win to get my $$)
    • Still playing around with it..


    Restaurant City Cheats // Multi-Pack Database

    Required Tools [Download these tools | Tool's Tutorial ]:
    • Download required files [download] // wait for timer, click download, click download again. Any issues try it on another browser before commenting. 
    • Fiddler
    • [download][How to use Fiddler]
    • Firefox/Chrome

    Credits: MC

    Well, the previous Valentines' Day DB only unlocks past Vday items. This db unlocks everything so for those of you who wants more choices, this DB is for you.
    1. Download required file from the links above and use Winrar (download) to extract the files
    2. Open fiddler and go to the AutoResponder tab.
    3. Make sure both Enable auto... and Permit Passthrough... are both ticked.
    4. Drag all the files that you have just downloaded into the AutoResponder tab. A total of 5 files. Recipe.bin is not included as it will remove your Candy Machines.
    5. Reload RC. If replaced correctly, all the lines will be highlighted.
    6. Now just click on Decorate and go to Functional section. You should see the Free CandyMaker for coins cheat. If you do not, you have replaced the file wrongly.
    7. You can also start shopping for ALL past items.
      - Avatar.bin unlocks all character items.
      - Front.bin unlocks all exterior items.
      - Levelup.bin gives you the max level if you have not reached it (temporary)
      - Quiz.bin gives you 100% success
      - Restaurant.bin unlocks all interior items.


      Restaurant City // Past Valentine's Day Items + Coins Machine Cheat

      Required Tools [Download these tools | Tool's Tutorial ]:
      • Download required files [download] // wait for timer, click download, click download again. Any issues try it on another browser before commenting. 
      • Fiddler
      • [download][How to use Fiddler]
      • Firefox/Chrome
      Credits: MC@fbtrucos
      1. Download required file from the links above and use Winrar (download) to extract the files out.
      2. Open fiddler and replace restaurant.bin (interior) and front.bin (exterior). The rule editor are as required. If you do not know how to replace, read the Tool's Tutorial from the link above.
      3. Reload RC. If replaced correctly, the lines will be highlighted.
      4. Now just click on Decorate and go to Functional section. You should see the Free CandyMaker for coins cheat. If you do not, you have replaced the file wrongly. ww
      5. You can also start shopping for those old Valentines Day items for interior and also exterior

      CityVille Bot // version 1.52 + Coins 3 Plugin

      Required Tools [Download these tools | Tool's Tutorial ]:
      • Download CVBot 1.52 [download][mirror] // wait for timer, click download, click download again. Any issues try it on another browser before commenting.  
      • Coins3 Plugin [download]
      • Firefox/Chrome
      Scan finished. 0 out of 19 scanners reported malware.
      Scan taken on:  Thu 27 Jan 2011 21:09:46 (CET) Permalink


      Credits: 12christiaan for coins3 plugin

      Well, for those having issues with their older versions of bot, this is the current latest version. Coins2 plugin and SpecialItems plugin have been patched, so I have attached a Coins3 plugin that works.

      Remember to uninstall your previous version of CityVille Bot before installing v1.52 to avoid any possible application conflicts.
      1. Uninstall older version of CityVille Bot
      2. Install v1.52 Cityville bot
      3. Extract Coins3 plugin and replace 2 files in "C:\Program Files\CityVilleBot\codebase-php" and paste the entire Coins3 folder in the Plugins folder located at "C:\Program Files\CityVilleBot\Plugins" 
      4. Remember to run CityVilleBot.exe as ADMINSTRATOR! Have fun!

      Happy Baby 開心寶貝(开心宝贝) Cheats 28 Jan 2011

      Required Tools [Download these tools | Tool's Tutorial ]:
      • Download required files [download] // wait for timer, click download, click download again. Any issues try it on another browser before commenting. 
      • Firefox/Chrome
      • Play Happy Baby [ play now ]
        - A Chinese version of Pet Society. Extremely similar.
      1. Download HappyBaby.swf from the links above.
      2. Open fiddler and replace HappyBaby.swf. The rule editor are as required. If you do not know how to replace, read the Tool's Tutorial from the link above.   
        just paste this above line into the rule editor. It does not have to be regex or exact.
      3. Reload Happy Baby . If replaced correctly, the lines will be highlighted.
      4. Cheat includes:
        • Pet is artificially set to always being full health so it moves quickly and is allowed to jump rope. 
        • Jumping rope (unlocks at pet level 4) now rewards coins every other jump instead of every 10 jumps
          You don't have to click to jump. It just spins around and gives you coins.
          The game uses 'energy' to limit how much jump roping you can do in a given day (via server side calls), but if you don't have many friends in the game to visit (which also uses up energy), it's a fast way to convert energy into coins and pet points. Once you've emptied out your energy, you have to click to visit a friend to exit out of the jumprope.
      Happy Baby 開心寶貝(开心宝贝) Cheats

        Pet Society Chocolate Gold Ingot and Cash Wig Dyes

        Required Tools [Download these tools | Tool's Tutorial ]:
        • Download required files [download] // wait for timer, click download, click download again. Any issues try it on another browser before commenting. 
        • Fiddler
        • [download][How to use Fiddler]
        • Firefox/Chrome
        Credits: DonTsunami 

        1. Download required file from the links above. You will need winRAR (tools section) to extract the .dat files out.
        2. Open fiddler and replace database.dat, shopMystery.dat and actions.dat. The rule editor are as required. If you do not know how to replace, read the Tool's Tutorial from the link above.


        3. Reload Pet Society. If replaced correctly, the lines will be highlighted.
        4. Now just visit the Mystery Shop and have fun dying your hair for the Chinese New Year.
        5. For the Chinese Chocolate Gold Ingot, just click on the Chest/Inventory and watch your Ingots spawn. Don't leave it running overnight! Or you will get a game error! Just spawn a few to keep. 

        Pet Society // Chinese New Year Goodies

        Required Tools [Download these tools | Tool's Tutorial ]:
        • Download required files [download] // wait for timer, click download, click download again. Any issues try it on another browser before commenting. 
        • Fiddler
        • [download][How to use Fiddler]
        • Firefox/Chrome
        1. Download the required file from the link above.
        2. Open Fiddler.
        3. Go into the Autoresponder tab of Fiddler.
        4. Replace ShopMystery.dat  
        5. The rule editor required is:  
        6. Make sure 'Enable auto...' and 'Permit passthrough...' are both ticked.
        7. Enter Pet Society. If you are using firefox, make sure Fiddler mode is ForceOn. (Check the Tool's Tutorial above if it's your first time using fiddler)
        8. If the file is replaced correctly, visit the MYSTERY SHOP and you should see the Chinese New Year Food.
        9. Have fun with Pet Society Cheats!

        Credits: FBTrucos

        Cafe World Free Energy

        Required Tools [Download these tools | Tool's Tutorial ]:
        • Firefox/Chrome

        Just click on the image links below for your Free Cafe World Energy:


        Restaurant City // RC Bot

        Download required files [ download ] // wait for timer, click download, click download again. Any issues try it on another browser before commenting.

        Required Tools [Download these tools | Tool's Tutorial ]:
        • download RC tool from the links above
        • firefox/chrome/ie
        • Flash

        Credits: TigerZZ - updated 27th January 2011

        1. Go into Restaurant City
        2. Restaurant should be open, serving dishes to customers.
        3. Download RC tool (link above) and extract everything to desktop. You will need winRAR to extract.
        4. Open RCCheat.exe
        5. Select English or Spanish or Mandarin depending on your preferred language. Steps will be for English mode.
        6. Select Browser.
        7. Click Low-scan. Give it about 1-2minutes of scanning to get all buttons clickable.
          if buttons still not clickable, serve some dishes first. Then Click Scan/Low-scan again
        8. Once scanning is done, select the cheats that you want!And you can just leave it, sleep, go out, wadever.
        9. Quiz answers are given too and you can use the speedhack in the tool to pause your quiz timer.
          Restaurant City Cheats, Hacks, Coins, Exp

          CSI: Crime City Energy Cheat

          Required Tools [Download these tools | Tool's Tutorial ]:

          Click here for CSI: Crime City Coins Cheat [ Link ]

          1. Open Charles.
          2. Enter CSI: Crime City [play now
          3. Keep searching in the game until you have an Energy Boost Mini Puzzle. Try to get at least 5 matches to get a Large Coffee.
          4. In Charles, you will see the line ''
          5. Expand it and you will see several flash_gateway.php
          6. Find the flash_gateway.php with the word "rewardProduct" (see image below)
          7. Right click this flash_gateway and select "Repeat Advanced"
          8. 1000 iterations and 10 concurrency will get you so many cups of coffees. 
          9. Once 1000 iterations is done, refresh the game and enjoy your coffee energy cheat. Have fun with your cheats!


          CSI: Crime City Coins Funding Cheat

          Required Tools [Download these tools | Tool's Tutorial ]:

          CSI: Crime City Funding Money Coins Cheat

          1. Open Charles.
          2. Enter CSI: Crime City [play now
          3. Level up in CSI.
          4. In Charles, you will see the line ''
          5. Expand it and you will see several flash_gateway.php
          6. Find the flash_gateway.php with the word "rewardFunding" (see image below)
          7. Right click this flash_gateway and select "Repeat Advanced"
          8. 1000 iterations and 10 concurrency will get you 1million coins in just a couple of minutes. 
          9. Once 1000 iterations is done, refresh the game and enjoy your coins. Have fun with your cheats!


            Miscrits: World of Adventure

            Click to play Miscrits: [ play now ]

            I'm sure you have played Pokemon at least once during your childhood. Miscrits is pretty similar to pokemon where you control your character with a Miscrit, catch more Miscrits and level up while following the story line.

            As your Miscrits level up, they gain new awesome skills that you can use on your enemies. You can heal your Miscrits in town and also train them to be stronger. To level up your Miscrits, you have to fight and gain "training points" which can be used in town. You will require more training points as your Miscrits reach a higher level.

            Miscrits gain new skills every 3 levels and will evolve to be fiercer and stronger every 10 levels. There is only 3 elements at the moment: Fire, Water or Nature. Fire attacks do more damage to Nature Miscrits, Nature has a bonus against Water, and Water has a bonus against Fire, so the choice of Miscrit during a battle is critical and can entirely change the outcome of a battle.

             Miscrits World of Adventure Cheats Hacks Coin Money Training Exp

            Cheaters vs Non-Cheaters

            Click to vote for Team Cheaters! 
            Yes, I love Cheating versus No, I hate Cheating

            Team Cheaters FTW ! xD

            Do you like to cheat in games? Or do you hate us cheaters? :p Vote and let me know!

            Let the 2 sides duel it out. FIGHT!! Also, go ahead and make your own duels (Pet Society vs Ninja Saga or wadever).


            Magic Mall Cheats

            Required Tools [Download these tools | Tool's Tutorial ]: 

            1. Open Charles
            2. Enter Magic Mall [ play now ]
            3. Go to Charles first and find the line ""
            4. Expand it and you will see 'amfphp/'
            5. Expand and you will see a lot of gateway.php(FlashService...)
            6. Right click any of the gateway.php and select "Breakpoints"
            7. Now, refresh the game.
            8. A Breakpoint tab will appear in Charles.
            9. Click Execute ONCE. 
            10. Click on EDIT REQUEST > AMF
            11. Change the coins, points and cash 1000000 (dont make it too high or you may get an error)
            12. Click on the RED Hexagon shape button at the top to "disable breakpoint"
            13. Click Execute
            14. Refresh the game, you should see your new coins. Have fun shopping. SPEND THEM ALL as they will disappear when you refresh the game. So spend buy upgrade as the items will be saved. 
            15. Watch video if unclear.

            Tagged: Magic Mall Cheats. Magic Mall Hacks. Magic Mall Coin Cheat Cash Cheat Points Cheat EXP cheat

            Pet Society // Garden Trick dated 25th Jan

            Required Tools [Download these tools | Tool's Tutorial ]:
            • Download required files [download] // wait for timer, click download, click download again. Any issues try it on another browser before commenting. 
            • Fiddler
            • [download][How to use Fiddler]
            • Firefox/Chrome
            1. Download GardenTrick database
            2. Open fiddler and replace database.dat with the downloaded database.dat file. The rule editor are as required

            3. Reload Pet Society. If replaced correctly, the database.dat line will be highlighted.
            4. Go to your garden and you can now use any wallpaper and floor. Saves too. 
            5. You will have the Default Garden Wallpaper and Default Garden Floor in your inventory if you ever want to change it back =D 
            6. Note: If you are still unsure of how to replace, read the Fiddler Tutorial first! It will help you out.
            7. For those who wants to do it themselves for future version of databases, just change all the baseType="FloorBase" to baseType="GardenFloorBase" and
              baseType="WallpaperBase" to baseType="GardenWallpaperBase" in database.dat

            Tutorials to editing .dat files [ Link ]

            CityVille // Coins version 2

            Update: CVBot 1.5 (uninstall older versions of Bot first!) 

            Required Tools [Download these tools | Tool's Tutorial ]:
            • Download Coins2 [download] // wait for timer, click download, click download again. Any issues try it on another browser before commenting.  
            • Download Plugin version 21 [ download ]  // Download this if the bot is not working well for you. Use the Downloaded Coins2 and not the coins2 in this plugin v21.
            • Firefox/Chrome
            • Download the require files above and extract the folder 'Coins2' to your installed CityVilleBot PLUGIN folder (Default is C:\Program Files\CityVilleBot\Plugins)
            • Cityville Bot v1.5 [download]
            Credits: blackjack4494

            1. Place empty business plots (put the maximum you can place)
            2. Start the bot, set number of cycles (same number of plots you placed in step 1)
            3. Press Save.
            4. Watch your money increase.
            If you do not know what files to replace or if the bot is not working well for you, visit this link to get a clearer steps on how the bot works. [ Link ]

               It definitely works as it is the same idea of planting buildings then selling it. You get 100k per cycle. If there is any error with the bot, just log in the game manually and sell all the pearl towers then start from step 1 again.

              Cooking Mama on Facebook // EXP Coins Cheat

              Required Tools [Download these tools | Tool's Tutorial ]:
              • Firefox/Chrome
              • Cheat Engine

              1. Enter Cooking Mama [ play now ]
              2. Open Cheat Engine
              3. In the process list, select plugin-container.exe (Firefox Users) / The 3rd Chrome.exe (Chrome users)
              4. Tick 'Also scan read only mem'
              5. Scan current amount of EXP
              6. Cook a dish and gain some EXP.
              7. NEXT scan new EXP.
              8. Repeat steps 6 and 7 until only 3 addresses remain
              9. Change the values of the 3 addresses to 500000
              10. You will level up and gain a lot of coins.
              11. Max level is 40 (exp shown on screenshot above) 
              12. Have fun!
              Cooking Mama Cheats, Cooking Mama Hacks, Cooking Mama Facebook Cheats, Cooking Mama Coins, EXP


                Pet Society // Easy Mode DB version 2143.5

                Required Tools [Download these tools | Tool's Tutorial ]:
                • Download required files [download] // wait for timer, click download, click download again. Any issues try it on another browser before commenting. 
                • Fiddler
                • [download][How to use Fiddler]
                • Firefox/Chrome


                EzDig includes dig fast, fish fast. fast cleaning, all dirty pets, one click autoharvesting, nojunk/nothrowbacks fast fishing, use neighbor's dye tables,

                EzLevel for fast leveling.

                Remember to comment and thank Zoey for her continuous updates!

                Note: You may need to send 1-2 failed digs at the cash digging area since Playfish seems to hate us if we dig all 5 cash items out.


                Basically, when you enter a digging land, those plots that has been dug = treasures. Do NOT keep clicking on such plots as we want to simulate digging failure. So you can still utilize all the free cash digs. Just remember to go to the coins digging area and send some failed digs.

                1. Download the files above.
                2. Open Fiddler.
                3. Go to Autoresponder and ensure both 'Enable Automatic.. ' and 'Permit pass...' are ticked
                4. Click ADD.
                5. A 'String To Match' will appear. change it to
                6. Click on the ▼ button beside the Save and select 'Browse a file'.
                7. Browse to the files that you have downloaded above and select the file you just downloaded from me 'pets2143.5-ezdig.swf'     / ezlevel.swf
                8. Click SAVE.
                9. Now, just clear cache and load Pet Society.
                10. Now just enter digging land and have fun...

                5 more days! You are all AWESOME

                1. Visit this link [Infolinks]
                2. Click on the LIKE button
                3. Go to this link [Win an IPAD]
                4. Click LIKE

                Thanks. Love you guyssss =D


                Restaurant City // Future Items + Coins Cheat

                Required Tools [Download these tools | Tool's Tutorial ]:
                • Download required files [download] // wait for timer, click download, click download again. Any issues try it on another browser before commenting. 
                • Fiddler
                • [download][How to use Fiddler]
                • Firefox/Chrome

                Credits: MC@ FBTrucos

                If you have not done this, I would appreciate it a lot if you could spare 1 minute and do me a favor. Thanks! 
                1. Visit this link [Infolinks]
                2. Click on the LIKE button
                3. Go to this link [Win an IPAD]
                4. Click LIKE

                1. Download required file from the links above.
                2. Open fiddler and replace restaurant.bin. The rule editor are as required. If you do not know how to replace, read the Tool's Tutorial from the link above.
                3. Reload RC. If replaced correctly, the lines will be highlighted.
                4. Now just click on Decorate and go to Functional section. You should see the Free CandyMaker. If you do not, you have replaced the file wrongly. ww
                5. You can also start shopping for those Resort items that are not released yet as of


                Pet Society // Assembly Parts

                Required Tools [Download these tools | Tool's Tutorial ]:
                • Download required files [download] // wait for timer, click download, click download again. Any issues try it on another browser before commenting. 
                • Fiddler [download][How to use Fiddler]
                • Firefox/Chrome

                Credits: RomanxD@fbtrucos

                If you have not done this, I would appreciate it a lot if you could spare 1 minute and do me a favor. Thanks! 
                1. Visit this link [Infolinks]
                2. Click on the LIKE button
                3. Go to this link [Win an IPAD]
                4. Click LIKE

                1. Download the required file from the link above.
                2. Open Fiddler.
                3. Go into the Autoresponder tab of Fiddler.
                4. Replace ShopMystery.dat  
                5. The rule editor required is:  
                6. Make sure 'Enable auto...' and 'Permit passthrough...' are both ticked.
                7. Enter Pet Society. If you are using firefox, make sure Fiddler mode is ForceOn. (Check the Tool's Tutorial above if it's your first time using fiddler)
                8. If the file is replaced correctly, visit the MYSTERY SHOP and you should see the assembly parts.
                9. Have fun assembling and redecorating your rooms!

                CityVille Updates // version 17 updated

                Updated to v17  (18/1/2011)

                Required Tools [Download these tools | Tool's Tutorial ]:
                • CityvilleBot Plugin v17 [download] // wait for timer, click download, click download again. Any issues try it on another browser before commenting. 
                • Firefox

                1. Download Plugins v17 from the links above. Changelog at the end of this post.
                2. Install CityVille Bot if you have not done so. [CityvilleBot v1.2]
                3. Extract the 2 folders from the .zip file to your desktop. 
                4. Go to Windows Explorer, and browse to the folder where CityVille Bot is installed (default is at C:\Programs Files..) 
                5. Copy the 2 folders from the Plugins into the folder where the Bot is installed and REPLACE all the files.
                  C:\Program Files\CityVilleBot\codebase-php\BotClass.php  replace this file
                  C:\Program Files\CityVilleBot\codebase-php\LocalDataClass.php replace this file
                  C:\Program Files\Plugins\Neighbors\* 
                  C:\Program Files\Plugins\Energy\* replace
                  C:\Program Files\Plugins\UnlimitedCoins\*  replaceC:\Program Files\Plugins\Crops\*  replace
                  C:\Program Files\Plugins\GameInfo\*  replace
                  C:\Program Files\Plugins\Multi\*  replace
                  You copied this steps from
                6. Once done, just open the CityVilleBot.exe  (For VISTA and WIN7 users, right click the CityVilleBot.exe and select "Run As Administrator")  IMPORTANT OR IT WILL NOT WORK.
                7. Log into your facebook account.
                8. Just click "Start" 
                9. Watch the bot start up and you should get a screen like this.
                10. Click on PluginsManager to ACTIVE/DEACTIVE the cheats that you want or do not want. 
                11. For Energy, it works by grabbing your neighbors' neighbors +3 energy when you visit them. DO NOT GO CRAZY ON THIS OR YOUR GAME WILL BREAK. Just do it 100-200 energy each time. If you want to be greedy and spoil your own game, have fun with it :p
                12. Always remember to UNTICK the "Pause!" if you want the cheat to work. It's all in English so go play around yourself. It's pretty easy and works really great.
                13. Use Energy + Crops to level up really fast.
                14. As for Unlimited Coins, just put 20 cycles will get you A LOT of coins already. Do NOT be greedy! 2.1 billion is the limit before it gets to negative value!
                15. Lastly, really do NOT abuse the bot or it will get patched soon. Have fun! 
                (Old version but steps are similar) Video Tutorial by Jessica:
                Tagged: CityVille Cheats, CityVille Hacks, CityVille Help
                  Publish version 017
                  2011-01-18 Fix: Neighbor list not showing in neighbors plugin.
                  2011-01-18 Fix: when seting Image reset, it does it all the time.
                  2011-01-18 new request: stop harvesting when storage gets to 90%.

                  Publish version 016
                  2011-01-16 Working on translation module (not finisched).
                  2011-01-16 Inventory overview now also create a -Inventory.txt file in the tmp-dir folder (user request)
                  2011-01-15 Fixed: Image reset was not working correctly.
                  2011-01-15 Multi collection: set the amount of collections to keep, trade-in the rest.
                  2011-01-14 Javascript error fixed.
                  2011-01-14 Bug report: Image download not working with proxy settings.


                  CityVille Cheat // Alternate Coins Method

                  So they have somewhat fixed the Unlimited Coins feature of the CityVilleBot. This is an alternate way of gaining coins by automating the special buildings then selling them. In my example of 8 empty plots, I can earn 40,000 coins per cycle. If you have a lot more empty land, you can have more empty plots to earn more coins per cycle. Just download the file and the entire steps is in the document. 

                  Required Tools [Download these tools | Tool's Tutorial ]:
                  • Download required files [download] // wait for timer, click download, click download again. Any issues try it on another browser before commenting. 
                  • Firefox/Chrome

                  Credits: PwnthisBaby

                  Note: You will still need CityVilleBot v1.2 and latest plugins v15. You can download them at [link]

                  1. Download the file from the link above.
                  2. Extract using Winrar/Winzip 
                  3. Copy the 2 files in codebase-php and replace the ones in your CityVilleBot installed folder.
                  4. Copy the entire SpecialItems folder and replace the one in your Plugin folder in the CityVilleBot installed folder.
                  5. Then follow the steps in the .doc  
                  6. Basically the idea is, you have a few empty plots, get the bot to start planting CourtHouses, you will enter the game, sell the CourtHouses and repeat. Troublesome yea, but hey, it's a workaround. Have fun and I will inform you guys if there is a quicker workaround.

                  Pet Society // Easy Mode DB version 2142.4

                  Required Tools [Download these tools | Tool's Tutorial ]:
                  • Download required files [download] // wait for timer, click download, click download again. Any issues try it on another browser before commenting. 
                  • Fiddler[download][How to use Fiddler]
                  • Firefox/Chrome


                  Remember to comment and thank Zoey for her continuous updates!

                  Note: You may need to send 1-2 failed digs at the cash digging area since Playfish seems to hate us if we dig all 5 cash items out.


                  Basically, when you enter a digging land, those plots that has been dug = treasures. Do NOT keep clicking on such plots as we want to simulate digging failure. So you can still utilize all the free cash digs. Just remember to go to the coins digging area and send some failed digs.

                  1. Download the files above.
                  2. Open Fiddler.
                  3. Go to Autoresponder and ensure both 'Enable Automatic.. ' and 'Permit pass...' are ticked
                  4. Click ADD.
                  5. A 'String To Match' will appear. change it to
                  6. Click on the ▼ button beside the Save and select 'Browse a file'.
                  7. Browse to the files that you have downloaded above and select the file you just downloaded from me 'pets2142.4-ezdig.swf'     / ezlevel.swf
                  8. Click SAVE.
                  9. Now, just clear cache and load Pet Society.
                  10. Now just enter digging land and have fun...

                  Restaurant City // Multi-Cheat pack

                  Required Tools [Download these tools | Tool's Tutorial ]:
                  • Download required files [download] // wait for timer, click download, click download again. Any issues try it on another browser before commenting. 
                  • Fiddler [download][How to use Fiddler]
                  • Firefox/Chrome

                  1. Download the required file from the link above.
                  2. It is in .rar format, so you will need WinRAR to extract the files out. (Can be downloaded at the Tool's Section)
                  3. Extract all 6 .bin files out to your desktop. 
                  4. Open Fiddler.
                  5. Select all 6 .bin files and drag them all into the Autoresponder tab of Fiddler.
                  6. Make sure 'Enable auto...' and 'Permit passthrough...' are both ticked.
                  7. Enter Restaurant City. If you are using firefox, make sure Fiddler mode is ForceOn. (Check the Tool's Tutorial above if it's your first time using fiddler)
                  8. If all 6 files are replaced correctly, you should see that the lines are highlighted in Gray (in fiddler).
                  9. Now, just purchase the items you want.

                  [10 in 1]
                  • All Solid Gold Items
                  • All Coca-Cola Items
                  • All Avatar Items 
                  • All Outdoor Items
                  • All Recipes (All past recipes will be unlocked. You will need the ingredients and attain at least level 1 to keep the dish)
                  • Employees Hack
                  • Serve all your recipes ( No limit to number of dishes you can serve)
                  • Future Items 
                  • Coin Hack (Candy Maker Machine)
                  • 100% Quizzes correct no matter what you choose

                  Credits: MC@FB-Trucos


                  Pet Society // Garden Trick

                  To whoever that was asking for this earlier.

                  Required Tools [Download these tools | Tool's Tutorial ]:
                  1. Download GardenTrick database
                  2. Open fiddler and replace database.dat with the downloaded database.dat file. The rule editor are as required

                  3. Reload Pet Society. If replaced correctly, the database.dat line will be highlighted.
                  4. Go to your garden and you can now use any wallpaper and floor. Saves too. 
                  5. You will have the Default Garden Wallpaper and Default Garden Floor in your inventory if you ever want to change it back =D 
                  6. Note: If you are still unsure of how to replace, read the Fiddler Tutorial first! It will help you out.
                  7. For those who wants to do it themselves for future version of databases, just change all the baseType="FloorBase" to baseType="GardenFloorBase" and
                    baseType="WallpaperBase" to baseType="GardenWallpaperBase" in database.dat

                  Tutorials to editing .dat files [ Link ]


                  Pet Society // Who Loves Fireworks

                  Required Tools [Download these tools | Tool's Tutorial ]:
                  • Download required files [download] // wait for timer, click download, click download again. Any issues try it on another browser before commenting. 
                  • Fiddler[download][How to use Fiddler]
                  • Firefox/Chrome
                  Note: The items are replaced from apples, so you have to use it while the cheat is activated.

                  1. Download the required file from the link above.
                  2. It is in .rar format, so you will need WinRAR to extract the files out. (Can be downloaded at the Tool's Section)
                  3. Extract all 3 files out to your desktop. 
                  4. Open Fiddler.
                  5. Select all 3 files and drag them all into the Autoresponder tab of Fiddler.
                  6. Make sure 'Enable auto...' and 'Permit passthrough...' are both ticked.
                  7. Enter Pet Society. If you are using firefox, make sure Fiddler mode is ForceOn. (Check the Tool's Tutorial above if it's your first time using fiddler)
                  8. If all 3 files are replaced correctly, visit the MYSTERY SHOP and you should see the fireworks.
                  9. Just purchase the fireworks you want. To watch the effects, go back to your house, take out the fireworks from the chest and click on them. Have fun.
                  Credits: MC@fbtrucos

                  EA Sports PGA Tour Golf Challenge

                  EA Sports PGA Tour Golf Challenge is the latest game offered by EA Sports on Facebook. The game engine is pretty awesome and avid golfers will definitely love this game.

                  Click to play EA Sports PGA Tour Golf Challenge now [ Play Now ]

                  For a simple free game on Facebook, you can't expect all the bells and whistles so there isn't any actual golfing mechanics and it is just a simple aim, click and shoot. Golfers who wants to improve their skills on this game will sadly be disappointed :p Hey, go to an actual golf range if you want to improve.

                  In Golf Challenge, your energy or "number of golf shots" is what determines the game. You will need golf shots to take a shot and these takes time to recharge or you can purchase with virtual currency.

                  Overall, this will just be a fun game to play with your friends thanks to the leadership board. It's an extremely simple game and definitely targeted towards the younger Facebook users segment. So have fun Putting.

                  As a new game, there could possibly be cheats so stay tune as any loopholes, bots, trainers, hacks, cheats will be posted up.


                  Restaurant City // Future Items + Coins Cheat

                  Required Tools [Download these tools | Tool's Tutorial ]:
                  • Download required files [download] // wait for timer, click download, click download again. Any issues try it on another browser before commenting. 
                  • Fiddler [download][How to use Fiddler]
                  • Firefox/Chrome

                  Credits: MC@ FBTrucos

                  1. Download required file from the links above.
                  2. Open fiddler and replace restaurant.bin. The rule editor are as required. If you do not know how to replace, read the Tool's Tutorial from the link above.
                  3. Reload RC. If replaced correctly, the lines will be highlighted.
                  4. Now just click on Decorate and go to Functional section. You should see the Free CandyMaker. If you do not, you have replaced the file wrongly. ww
                  5. You can also start shopping for those Beach Hunks and Bikini Babes that are not released yet as of

                  CityVille Giveaway

                  For all the CityVille players, do you know that CityVille is having a contest now? Read the instructions at the official Zynga forums here [ Link ] to find out what you should do to win City Cash and even an iPad 32gb.
                  I hope someone from wins! =D 

                  Prizes per goal:
                  • 7 million Fans (25 people will win 50 City Cash)
                  • 8 million Fans (25 people will win 100 City Cash)
                  • 9 million Fans (25 people will win 500 City Cash)
                  • 10 million Fans (5 people will win 1,000 City Cash and an iPad 32GB with Wi-Fi)

                  Grand Prize Drawing: Lucky winners, that have registered, will be randomly chosen after we hit each goal. 5 registered fans will be eligible to win 1 of 5 ipads 32GB with Wi-Fi (“Grand Prize”).

                  Happy Building!
