Restaurant City // Revival of Old Items

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Credits: Cbox - fREE2SW4U
Important Note: There is always a risk in cheating and if you cannot afford to take this risk, do NOT cheat. Before asking questions about the cheat, read the comments first to prevent asking the same questions. 

Tools (download all tools in the Tools section):
  1. Download the 'Edited .bin files' above and extract them to your Desktop 
  2. Clear Browser Cache  <--- If you dont see the files appearing in Fiddler, Clear Cache in browser!
  3. Open Fiddler
  4. Load Restaurant City [click to play]
  5. Once loaded, look in Fiddler for this 2 lines
  6. /game/cooking/swf/0.x.xxxx/front.bin   (xxxx is the database version)
  7. Right click each line, select Copy > Just URL
  8. In Autoresponder, you should untick all other URLs first.
  9. Click ADD to insert the 2 new URL that you have just copied.
  10. Click on the ▼ button beside the 'Save' button
  11. Select browse to file and select the downloaded front.bin to replace the original front.bin
  12. Do the same for restaurant.bin
  13. Click Save each time. 
  14. Clear cache, Remove all in Fiddler
  15. Clear cache in your browse and refresh Restaurant City
  16. Once loaded, you should now see OLD items such as the easter eggs or Blue arcade machine.

    You will also see all the trophies. Trophies CANNOT be bought as it will disappear on refresh.

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