Pet Society // Super Visiting Coin cheat

Click to play Pet Society 

Credits: Trucoteca

I know i posted this cheat yesterday but removed it as it was a little unstable and the mayor will appear. But now, just by including an additional step, I believe the mayor will not appear. The magic additional step is "gifting an apple" :p I have done a couple of tests with and without the apple step. And conclusion is: It Works! Gifting an apple = no mayor. No gifting of apple = mayor. Enjoy this cheat while it is hothothot

Tools (download tools in the Tools section):
  • cheat engine 5.5
  • firefox
  • Flash 9 only (2nd address will not appear if you are NOT using flash 9)
  1. Go into Pet Society. Visit a friend for some coins.
  2. Open Cheat engine
  3. Tick hex, value=array of bytes, Also scan read only mem
  4. Scan "83F00185C0895DF88945E00F8459000000"
  5. 1 address returned. Disassemble and you will see the line "xor eax,01"
  6. Change it to "xor eax,00" 
  7. New scan "0F840A000000B800000000E9A0040000B8"  (flash 9 only to see this address)
  8. 1 address returned. Disassemble and you will see the line "je xxxxxxx" (xxxxxx is some random digits)
  9. Change it to "jmp xxxxxxx" Click Ok
  10. Now visit all your friends. Start your mouse recording to automate the visiting. 
  11. Gift an apple to anyone (impt step if you don't want mayor to appear)
  12. Now you can repeat visiting your friends again for 30coins if they are active or 20coins if they are inactive.

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