Treasure Hunt Round 2

Round 2 has ended. Congrats to Dez for winning and I hope everyone had nearly as much fun as him in deciphering the clues and getting the answer.


Round 2: Follow the clues given and instructions and you will arrive at the answer. First to comment WINS.

You will end up on this page. And you will see this lonely question mark. Click it omg! It's lonely!

 You will land on a page with only ONE image. If you have been a reader long enough, you would know images are always bordered in black. So those words are just words in an image!
That 1 simple image carries 2 clues. Hovering on the image tells you the image name. "imfast"
Put that "imfast" into the ????? and you get
And your answer. I hope everyone had fun. More rounds will come and they will be tougher!
Dez won these prizes:

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