Supermarket Mania on Facebook Cheats

Click to play SuperMarket Mania [ play now ]

Required Tools [Download these tools | Tool's Tutorial ]:
  • Cheat Engine
  • Firefox/Chrome (select plugin-container.exe if using firefox 3.6.8 or the 3rd chrome icon in the process list) 

This is a old popular game launched on facebook just a couple of weeks back. Typical girls game. I do not know why they like such games :p My girlfriend adores games like this. :s I guess it's a girls' thing. Anyway, if you want to cheat and be at the top of your friend's list... This is a fairly simple cheat.
  1. Enter Supermarket Mania [ play now ]
  2. Open Cheat Engine.
  3. In the process list, select plugin-container.exe if using firefox or the 3rd chrome icon if using google chrome.
  4. Change value type to Double..
  5. Tick Enable Speedhack.
  6. Start the game. Stock the appropriate groceries to earn money.
  7. When you have earn some money, change the value of the Speedhack to "0".
  8. Now the game will freeze.
  9. First scan the amount of money you have earned.
  10. Change the value of speedhack back to "1"
  11. Earn some more money.
  12. Change speedhack value back to "0"
  13. NEXT scan your new amount of money. Repeat until only 1 address remains.
  14. Just double click it so it appears in the address table.
  15. Change the value to any amount you want. Change back speedhack value to "1" and continue playing. 

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