Pet Society // Vacation Updated with viewable items

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Credits: PWNTHIS

Grab your vacation packages now! Enjoy a Cruise, a Desert trip or an Arabian trip. Each package consist of an amazing wallpaper, clothes, plushies. Just purchase any of the packages and a pop up as seen in the image above will appear telling you what you have purchased!

Updated with all viewable items. You can select any items individually.

Tools (download these tools in the Tools section):
  1. Download the vacation package above. 
  2. Use fiddler and replace shopFood. [Fiddler Tutorial]
    rule editor if you need it:   REGEX:(?insx).*shopFood2108\.dat$
  3. Clear cache and reload PS.
  4. Go to the ShopFood and select either petlings/grocery/magic food to see all the 3 packages. 
  5. Have a nice holiday!

Nightclub City // Items Cheats

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Credits: zcmiko@pwnthis

Seems like some of you guys missed out on the previous Billions coins cheat on Nightclub City, so for those who wants to own all those 5million dollars decors, just follow the steps and be on your way to the king of nightclubs.

Tools (download these tools in the Tools section):
  • cheat engine
  • firefox

  1. Go to Nightclub city. [click to play]
  2. As an example, buy 4 tablebars,place it inside your inventory.
  3. In cheatengine, scan '4' in 4bytes. Now you'll see a couple of addresses.
  4. Now place 1 bar back in your club. Now there's 3 bars.
  5. Go back to cheat engine and scan '3' in 4bytes.
  6. If there's still couple of addresses,put 1 tablebar back in your club. Now you have '2' tablebars left in your inventory.
  7. Go back to cheat engine and scan '2'. (This time,im sure 1 address will be left, else repeat till only 1 left!)
  8. Double click on the address and edit the value of the address to 99.
  9. Remove the last tablebar and you'll notice that you have 99 tablebars now.
  10. Sell all the bars until there's only 1 left. 
  11. Then go back to cheatengine and edit the value again to 99. And sell it again if you want cash.
You can do this in any items you want.

Pet Society // Vacation Packages

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Credits: joojoobe@pwnthis

Grab your vacation packages now! Enjoy a Cruise, a Desert trip or an Arabian trip. Each package consist of an amazing wallpaper, clothes, plushies. Just purchase any of the packages and a pop up as seen in the image above will appear telling you what you have purchased! 

Tools (download these tools in the Tools section):
  1. Download the vacation package above. 
  2. Use fiddler and replace shopFood. [Fiddler Tutorial]
    rule editor if you need it:   REGEX:(?insx).*shopFood2108\.dat$
  3. Clear cache and reload PS.
  4. Go to the ShopFood and select either petlings/grocery/magic food to see all the 3 packages. 
  5. Have a nice holiday!

Pet Society // Latest Items + Coins Cheat DB

LIKE US? Join us and get the latest cheats around the world!

Credits: joojoobe@pwnthis

Tools (download these tools in the Tools section):
  1. Download the files above.
  2. Using fiddler, replace database.dat and Shopmystery2108.dat  [Fiddler Tutorial on replacing files]
  3. Clear Cache and reload Pet Society.
  4. If replaced correctly, you will see the new items in the shopmystery.
  5. For coins cheat, go to Glow in the Dark and buy the pink throne at 150 coins but you can sell the item for 999coins. Ignore the price tag, click on it and you will see that it cost only 150coins.

Ninja Saga Ultimate Cheats

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Credits: Dargon412 @ fREE2SW4U

This cheat allows you to unlock all Hunting Houses bosses even at lvl 1, unlock all emblem missions and fight bosses repeatedly in Battle>Practice to level up fast. Use of 1 hit KO is advisable.

Tools (download these tools in the Tools section):
  • Fiddler2 
  • Firefox/Chrome/IE
  • Cheat Engine
  • NS Ultimate Cheat files [ link 1 | mirror ]
  1. Open Fiddler.
  2. Go to autoresponder and ensure both 'Enable Automatic.. ' and 'Permit pass...' are ticked
  3. Click ADD.
  4. A 'String To Match' will appear, change it to regex:(?insx)^.*data_library_en\.swf$
  5. Click on the ▼ button beside the Save. And select 'File a file' 
  6. Browse to the files that you have downloaded above and select '(All-Quest-Lv1)-data_library_en.swf'
  7. Click ADD.
  8. A 'String To Match' will appear, change it to regex:(?insx)^.*code_library\.swf$
  9. Click on the ▼ button beside the Save. And select 'File a file' 
  10. Browse to the files that you have downloaded above and select '(Random-With-Boss)-code_library.swf' Click Save.
  11. Click ADD.
  12. A 'String To Match' will appear, change it to regex:(?insx)^.*hunting_house\.swf$
  13. Click on the ▼ button beside the Save. And select 'File a file' 
  14. Browse to the files that you have downloaded above and select '(Enabled)-hunting_house.swf' Click Save.
  15. Very Important or it will not work. Clear Browser Cache. Read the Fiddler tutorial to see how to clear cache. [Fiddler Tutorial]
  16. Reload NS and now you should see that all emblem missions, lvl 1 can fight bosses, practice mode is all bosses. Low levels may NOT be able to see the bosses in Hunting Houses, so just to to Battle>Practice to level up
    Have fun leveling.

1 hit KO steps:
  1. Open Cheat Engine and select browser in the process list.
  2. Change value to 'Array of Bytes' and tick 'Also scan read only mem'
  3. Scan '89065E5BC208003B7B54'
  4. 1 address returned. Disassemble it
  5. Wait till it is your turn to attack. Rightclick the line 'mov [esi],eax' and select Toggle breakpoint
  6. Click Attack now. (normal weapon attack). The game and browser will now FREEZE.
  7. Click Debug > Run.
  8. Click Debug > Run again. 
  9. Click EAX and change the value to 0
  10. Right click the mov [esi],eax and select Toggle breakpoint
  11. Click Debug > Run 
  12. The game will continue and you will see that the enemy has 0 health left. 
  13. You must repeat steps 5-11 for every enemy. 
Note: If the enemy dodge your attack, do NOT change EAX value or it will not work and you will get an error.


    Ninja Saga // Gain Hundreds of Free Tokens easily

    Download NS Token Cheat [ link 1 | mirror ]

    LIKE US? JOIN US and get the latest cheats around the world!

    By entering this site you are agreeing to be bound by the terms of this Disclaimer. -Legal Counsel of

    This method was mailed to me by marxtianz a few weeks back. This is a very good tool as there are lots of FREE surveys in Ninja Saga that gives hundreds of Tokens. And yes, you WILL get the tokens if you filled up a valid email. The other information can be crap but the email must be a valid email so that you can validate your account. Just download the file below and start doing those surveys.

    I swear to you I had only 0 tokens before using this tool. After 10 minutes of filling up surveys, I now have 375 and counting.

    Just Click Download NS Token Tool above if the first link does not work for you and be on your way to gaining easy tokens for free. Just follow the instructions in the zipped folder.

    Pet Society // OceanBlueWig Dye Hack

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    Credits: joojoobe@pwnthis

    I believe this is similar to nofil2000's ocean wig dye except that joojoobe used the babyblue colour as the ocean Blue colour.This colour is not released yet so be among the first few to dye your wig !

    Tools (download these tools in the Tools section):
    • fiddler2
    • chrome/firefox/ie
    • OceanMarineWigDye [ link 1 | link 2]
    1. Download the dat file above.
    2. Replace database.dat with fiddler.
    3. Wear a WIG, Go to clothes > hair stylist and select the colour as circled in the image above. You will get the new OceanMarine Dye.  
    4. If you are unsure how to use fiddler, follow this link

    Restaurant City Latest Cash Cheat Updated

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    Credits: free2sw4u

    Hehe, the previous quiz cheat to get CC items has not been patched yet and still works for this weeks CC items. Get them quick!

    Tools (download these tools in the Tools section):
    • fiddler2
    • preferred browser [ firefox, chrome, ie ]
    • Latest CC items bin files [ link 1 | mirror | mirror 2 ]
    1. Download the latest CC bin files from any of the links above.
    2. Open fiddler and go to autoresponder. [read fiddler tutorial first if unclear]
    3. In the rule editor, add this regular expression to replace quiz.bin
    4. Click on the ▼ button and browse to the files that you have just downloaded. Replace it with quiz.bin 
    5. Click SAVE
    6. Add this regular expression to replace ingredient.bin
    7. Click on the ▼ button and browse to the files that you have just downloaded. Replace it with ITEMNAME.bin . Basically, just choose the item you want and replace ingredient.bin with the correct file.
    8. Click SAVE
    9. Go into Restaurant City. 
    10. Check your fiddler and make sure ingredient.bin and quiz.bin are highlighted in gray. This means they have been replaced.
    11. Once loaded, just ans the quiz and you will get the item you want. 
    12. This is from the previous Restaurant City Cash Cheat

    Cafe World Bot // Super Leveling

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    Credits: Cafe World Bot


    Tools (download these tools in the Tools section):
    1. Download Cafe World Bot from any of the links above.
    2. Using WINRAR, extract the setup.exe and install the bot. 
    3. Once installed, just execute it and you will be shown the facebook login page.
      Note: This is NOT a scam/phishing page. If you are afraid, you can try logging in a spare account first and you will see that you will be logged into your actual CafeWorld Page. If you are still afraid, feel free to not use this bot :)
    4. Basically, just log in and you will appear at your Cafe World game. Wait for a few seconds to load and you will be able to see this screen.

    5. Click on settings and for super fast leveling, choose the Bacon Cheeseburger which only takes 20secs to cook! Remember to select "Sell only Main Dish"
    6. That's all! Just minimize the bot and it will do its magic. Do NOT play the game while the bot is activated or the game will RETRY. There is a log at the right side which will show you your current exp/coins and the updated exp/coins.
    Bot is not working for me. What should I do? 

    Do the following to start the bot:
    1. If your default browser is different from Internet Explorer, open Internet Explorer and log in at selecting the “Remember Me” checkbox.
    2. Close Internet Explorer.
    3. Run the “cafeworldbot” program.
    4. Wait till the cafe is loaded.
    5. Open the “Settings” tab and the “Advansed Settings” tab. Choose a main dish, which must be prepared. I recommend to choose a ‘Cheeseburger 20 second’.
    That’s all. The bot is ready to work instead of you. You can minimize the program and get down to your business.
    The main window of the program is minimized into the tray. You can maximize it with a double click on the tray icon.
    The bot informs you about what it does using popup messages in the lower-right corner of the screen. Also, all actions are displayed on the main tab of the program in the list on the right.
    While the bot is working in cafe (its status is “Working”), you may not do anything in the cafe manually.

    Treetopia // EXP + Coins cheat

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    From the developers of Social City, Wild Ones, Sorority Life comes Treetopia. Build your city on the tree and be the biggest village chief. This Treetopia Cheat will gain you fast coins and exp to level up before all your friends. Have fun while it works.

    Credits: pwnthis

    Tools (download these tools in the Tools section):
    1. Go into Treetopia [click to play]
    2. Open Charles. Make sure it is recording, if unsure on how to use, check above tutorial.
    3. Click Collect on the Ash Tree Fire Pit to get coins and exp. 
    4. Look in Charles, you will see the line "" 
    5. Expand it > expand tree/ > expand amfgw/ and you will see " (tree_api.validateCall,tree_api.collectResources)
    6. Right click > Repeat advance
    7. 5000 iterations 10 concurrency. Wait till all actions are carried out and refresh game. You will see your new coins and level. You can do the same for stone and wood.

    Restaurant City Latest Cash Cheat

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    Credits: pwnthis [Special thanks to free2sw4u for idea and hint]

    Tools (download these tools in the Tools section):
    • Fiddler2
    • Preferred Browser
    You need these .bins:
    1. Get Quiz correct 100% [ link 1 | link 2 | link 3]
    2a. Quiz Rewards you with Cash Item [ link 1 | link 2 | link 3 ]
    2b. Added Cheshire Cat.bin =D [link 1 | link 2 | link 3 ]
    2c. PocketWatch Stove [ link 1 | link 2 ]

    2d.For more items, you can use Free2sw4u's compiled folder. [ link 1 ]

    For the pocketwatch, you will appear to get a wasabi. however after refresh, the pocketwatch stove will be there.

    1. Download the files above.
    2. Use fiddler and replace Quiz.bin with Quiz.bin
    rule editor will be: REGEX:(?insx).*quiz\.bin$
    3. Replace Ingredients.bin with Any of the ITEMNAME.bin that you want. example: you want a RedQueen, just replace Ingredients.bin with AliceRedQueen.bin
    rule editor will be: REGEX:(?insx).*ingredient\.bin$
    4. Restart RC.
    5. Answer the quizzes and you should get it correctly 100% if you have replaced the .bin correctly. You will also see that you are rewarded with the item.
    5.You need to Refresh RC and you will see the item.

    If you do not know how to use Fiddler, read this. [Tutorial]
    Update: Cat and PocketWatch stove added.


    Pet Society // Mixed Wig Dyes + 49 Days battery

    Click 'LIKE' and get the latest cheats around the world!

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    Credits: joojoobe@pwnthis

    Tools (download these tools in the Tools section):
    1. Download the dat file above. Database consist of New Dyes, Mixed Dyes, 49 days nannybot.
    2. Replace database.dat with fiddler.
    3. Go to Boutique to purchase your NannyBot Battery for 5 yellow coins. You must use it while cheat is activated to enjoy the 49days. For Mixed Dyes, go the Garden > Petling and dye your wig with a dye biscuit.  
    4. Happy shopping. Enjoy!
    5. If you are unsure how to use fiddler, follow this link


    Pet Society // Awesome Sleeping Beauty Database + Bear

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    Credits: joojoobe@pwnthis

    Info: To get the bear, just buy a coyote and use the growth potion on it to get your bear.

    Tools (download these tools in the Tools section):

    1. Download the dat file above. Database consist of:

      cat to tiger
      dog to lamb
      coyote to bear

      petling colours
      instantgrowth potion
      makeover potion

      all normal wig dyes

      mysteryshop for new MB items room 1
      glow department for coin cheat pink throne

    2. Replace database.dat and ShopMystery.dat with fiddler.
    3. Happy shopping. Enjoy!
    4. If you are unsure how to use fiddler, follow this link


    Pet Society - Database (Items no longer for sale)

    Click 'LIKE' and get the latest cheats around the world!

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    Credits: Hoony & wiilandeR

    Tools (download these tools in the Tools section):
    • fiddler2
    • preferred browser
    • Database Full Nis 2008.Xml.Dat [link1] [link2]
    1. Download the dat file above. This database contains items that are no longer for sale. For those who might have missed out on the items the other time round.
    2. Replace shopFood with this file.
    3. Happy shopping. Enjoy!
    4. If you are unsure how to use fiddler, follow this link

    Pet Society - New MB Items

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    Credits: WisseHacks

    Tools (download these tools in the Tools section):
    • fiddler2
    • preferred browser
    • shopMarket2107.dat [link1] [link2]
    1. Download the dat file above.
    2. Replace it with with fiddler.
    3. Happy shopping. Enjoy!
    4. If you are unsure how to use fiddler, follow this link

    Nightclub City - Ultimate Coins Hacks

    Click 'LIKE' and get the latest cheats around the world!

    By entering this site you are agreeing to be bound by the terms of this Disclaimer. -Legal Counsel of

    Credits: JuanMaa & Pabloox

    Tools (download these tools in the Tools section):

    1) Go into Nightclub city and earn some coins
    2) Open Cheat Engine
    3) Select Browser in Process List
    4) Scan Settings [Hex, Array of Bytes, Also scan read only memory]
    5) Scan "8B 55 EC 03 CA 89 88 98 00 00 00 8B 45 F8"
    6) 1 address returned. Disassemble it
    7) Right click selected code and select 'Assemble'
    8) Change "mov edx, [ebp-14]" to "mov edx, [ebp+14]"
    9) Done! Enjoy!

    Pet Society - Cooking Cash Items Cheat

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    Credits: nofil2000
    HashCalulator by PetSocietyNews

    Tools (download these tools in the Tools section):
    1. Download the above xml file. This is the original xml file from PS with no changes made yet.
    2. Download and open the HashCalculator. (This is a flash file, you can open it by dragging it into your browser) Type the Cash item you want in the HashCalculator. For example, Swimming Pool Terrace
    3. Click on the calculate button and it will return you a value. Copy that value.
    4. Now open up the recipes_hashed2.xml you just downloaded. Look for the first line producthash = "xxxxxxxxx"
    5. Replace the xxxxxxxx with the value you just copied.
    6. Save the xml file.
    7. Now replace it with with fiddler. (in fiddler the pattern is recipes_hashed.xml)
    8. Go to the Pet Society and you will be able to cook that cash item! Enjoy!
    9. If you are unsure how to use fiddler, follow this link

    Pet Society - Flowers Topiary Cheat

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    Credits: Yagami

    Tools (download these tools in the Tools section):
    • fiddler2
    • preferred browser
    • shopFood2107.dat [link1][link2]
    1. As usual, download the above file.
    2. Replace it with with fiddler.
    3. Go to the Pet Society and buy all topiaries. Remember to save. Enjoy!
    4. If you are unsure how to use fiddler, follow this link

    Pet Society - Coin Cheats

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    Credits: Sohexy

    Tools (download these tools in the Tools section):
    • fiddler2
    • preferred browser
    • (database.dat and ShopGarden2107.dat) [link1][link2]
    1. As usual, download the above file.
    2. Replace it with with fiddler.
    3. Go to the Garden and buy Pink Elegant Throne. It will be bought as a Win or lose box for 150 coins.
    4. Buy 99 of them.
    5. Open of all of the boxes and save the game. Close fiddler.
    6. Go back into the game and sell the Pink Elegant Throne for 999 coins. Enjoy!
    7. If you are unsure how to use fiddler, follow this link

    Pet Society - Cheesy Mayor Cheat

    Click 'LIKE' and get the latest cheats around the world!

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    Credits: 2010HackGames

    Tools (download these tools in the Tools section):
    • fiddler2
    • preferred browser
    • recipes_hashed.xml [link1][link2]
    1. As usual, download the above file.
    2. Replace it with with fiddler.
    3. Go to the Pet Society cook book and cook the Cheesy Mayor. Wait 10 minutes. Enjoy!
    4. If you are unsure how to use fiddler, follow this link

    Pet Society - Giant Monster Plushie Coin Cheats

    Click 'LIKE' and get the latest cheats around the world!

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    Credits: nofil2000

    Tools (download these tools in the Tools section):
    • fiddler2
    • preferred browser
    • Zipped dat files (database.dat & ShopGarden2106.dat) [link1][link2]
    1. As usual, download the above files.
    2. Replace it with with fiddler.
    3. Go to the garden and buy the Giant Monster Plushie. It will be bought as a mystery box
    4. Buy 99 of them.
    5. Open all the boxes.
    6. Turn off fiddler and reload the game.
    7. Now, sell each of your monster plushie for 999 coins. Enjoy!
    8. If you are unsure how to use fiddler, follow this link

    Pet Society - Royal Garden Flowers + more new items

    Click 'LIKE' and get the latest cheats around the world!

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    Credits: Criisz

    Tools (download these tools in the Tools section):
    1. As usual, download the above files.
    2. Replace it with with fiddler.
    3. The pattern for the rules editor is included in the zip file.
    4. Happy shopping. Enjoy!
    5. If you are unsure how to use fiddler, follow this link

    Country Story - Seeds Cheat

    Click 'LIKE' and get the latest cheats around the world!

    By entering this site you are agreeing to be bound by the terms of this Disclaimer. -Legal Counsel of

    Credits: JT

    Tools (download these tools in the Tools section):
    • fiddler2
    • preferred browser
    • itemConfig.bin [link1]
    1. Download the bin file.
    2. Open Fiddler
    3. Under Autoresponder tab click 'Add'
    4. Copy "regex:(?insx)^.*itemConfig\.bin$" and paste into 'Rule Editor'
    5. Beside Save button click "▼" then click 'find a file'.
    6. Select the "itemConfig.bin" that you just downloaded then click save.
    7. Go into Country Story
    8. Now you can buy any seed that you want no matter what level you are. Enjoy!
    9. If you are unsure how to use fiddler, follow this link

    Restaurant City - Food Quiz + Recipe + Ingredients Cheat

    Click 'LIKE' and get the latest cheats around the world!

    By entering this site you are agreeing to be bound by the terms of this Disclaimer. -Legal Counsel of

    Credits: Free2sw4u

    Tools (download these tools in the Tools section):
    • fiddler2
    • preferred browser
    • Bin files (Zipped) [link1][link2]
    1. Download the zipped bin files using the above links.
    2. Unzip the files.
    3. You must have food quiz.
    4. Remember to clear your browser cache.
    5. Open Fiddler
    6. Under Autoresponder tab click 'Add'
    7. Copy "regex:(?insx)^.*quiz\.bin$" and paste into 'Rule Editor'
    8. Beside the Save button click "▼" then click 'find a file'.
    9. Select "quiz.bin" that you just downloaded then click save.
    10. Under Autoresponder tab click 'Add' again
    11. Copy "regex:(?insx)^.*ingredient\.bin$" and paste into 'Rule Editor'
    12. Beside Save button click "▼" then click 'find a file'.
    13. Select any ingredients bin file that you just downloaded then click save.
    14. Now you can start you retaurant city and get your ingredients from Food Quiz. Enjoy!
    15. If you are unsure how to use fiddler, follow this link

    Pet Society - Cash Items + Petling

    Click 'LIKE' and get the latest cheats around the world!

    By entering this site you are agreeing to be bound by the terms of this Disclaimer. -Legal Counsel of

    Tools (download these tools in the Tools section):
    • fiddler2
    • preferred browser
    • database.dat [link1] [link2]
    1. Download the dat file above.
    2. Replace it with with fiddler.
    3. Happy shopping. Enjoy!
    4. If you are unsure how to use fiddler, follow this link
    The List of items include:
    • Petlings: Tiger and Lamb
    • Fertilizers: All
    • Wig Dye: All
    • Batteries: All
    • Petling Biscuits (Petling color): All
    • Petling Makeover Potion
    • Instant Growth Potion

    Pet Society - Wigs Color

    Click 'LIKE' and get the latest cheats around the world!

    By entering this site you are agreeing to be bound by the terms of this Disclaimer. -Legal Counsel of

    Credits: Nofil2000

    Tools (download these tools in the Tools section):
    • fiddler2
    • preferred browser
    • database_wigs_color_nofil2000.dat [link1] [link2]
    1. Download the dat file above.
    2. Replace it with database.dat via fiddler.
    3. You can now dye your wig for 5 coins instead of playfish cash. Enjoy!
    4. If you are unsure how to use fiddler, follow this link

    Casino City Chips Cheat

    Click 'LIKE' and get the latest cheats around the world!

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    Tools (download these tools in the Tools section):

    • Cheat Engine 5.6
    • Firefox browser
    1. Go into the Casino City game
    2. Open Cheat Engine, select browser in process list. Scan settings is 4 bytes
    3. Hover your mouse over any casino game (For example a roulette table) You should see the value that looks like this xxx/yyyy. (Example 200/1800)
    4. First scan the xxx value.
    5. Wait for it to increase then Next Scan.
    6. Repeat 4 and 5 until you only have one address on the left.
    7. Double click on that address. It will now appear on the bottom pane.
    8. Right click on the address at the bottom pane and select "Set a hot-key".
    9. Choose your key combination. (See the figure below. For example I chose Shift+P)
    10. Then at the "set value box", set the value to yyyy. (For example, a roulette table, will be 1800). Click OK when done.
    11. Go back to the Casino City game, now press your hot key you created in the above step. A chip icon will appear on top of the gambling game and you can click on it to collect the chips.

    12. Repeat step 11 until you are satisfied. Enjoy!

    Pet Society - Limited Solid Gold Teddy Bear

    Click 'LIKE' and get the latest cheats around the world!

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    Apparently, there are only 50,000 pieces of these bears for sale. If you didn't managed to buy them, now is your chance!

    Tools (download these tools in the Tools section):

    • fiddler2
    • preferred browser
    • KhaledDB.dat [link1]
    1. Download the dat file above.
    2. Replace it with database.dat via fiddler.
    3. You can now purchase the limited bear!
    4. If you are unsure how to use fiddler, follow this link

    Tiki Resort Coins Cheat

    Click 'LIKE' and get the latest cheats around the world!

    By entering this site you are agreeing to be bound by the terms of this Disclaimer. -Legal Counsel of

    Credits: Free2sw4u

    Tools (download these tools in the Tools section):

    • Cheat Engine 5.6
    • Firefox
    • Flash 10
    1. Go into Tiki Resort
    2. Open Cheat Engine, select browser in process list. Scan settings is 4 Bytes
    3. Hover your mouse over any buildings that can generate coins, for example a Slot shack. You should see some values that look like this xxx/yyy (Example 280/300)
    4. First Scan the xxx value.
    5. Wait a few seconds for the xxx value to increase, then Next Scan. Repeat until you only get one address
    6. Double click that address and it will appear on the bottom pane.
    7. Change the value to yyy-1. (For example if yyy is 300, change the value to 299)
    8. Wait for a few more seconds until the money appears on the building for you to collect the coins.
    9. Then go back to cheat engine and change the yyy value again to 9999999.
    10. Go back to the game and click the building to collect the coins.
    11. Now you can enjoy your shopping spree!

    How To Use Charles Web Debugging Proxy

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    While I am on the topic of "How To Pwn This?" I decided to have a tutorial on Charles too where some of the cheats still works great using this awesome tool.

    I hope with all these tutorials, you guys can take the effort to read it and not always ask similar questions as it does tend to piss the mods and me because we kinda get sick of answering all the same questions =D

    Download Charles Proxy Debugging Tool [ link 1 | link 2 | link 3 ]
    [instructions to get cracked version] .This version allows you to remove time limit and you can use all the features.
    You will need JAVA to be able to run Charles. [Download]

    1. After installing Charles, make sure the proxy is recording so just follow these settings in the screenshot.

    2. Once Charles is recording, just load your game and you will be able to see the game's url in the Structure Tab.

    3. Just clicking on the [+] will expand the url and you can see the activities. I will usually guide you guys to finding the appropriate URLS and Activities so do not worry.

    4. As an example, if you have just claimed some coins by executing an action, there are times when you can use Charles to repeat these actions thousands of times and repeatedly gain the coins and exp easily. You can do this by right clicking the activity and selecting 'Repeat Advanced'
    5.Fill in the number of Iterations and Concurrency. Iterations means number of rounds you want the activity to be repeated. Concurrency means the number of times that particular activity will be executed at the same time. I would recommend 1000 Iterations and 10 Concurrency most of the time.

    6. You can also use Charles to edit certain games databases. The following steps teaches you that!

    7. Instead of selecting Repeat Advanced, you can select "Breakpoints" which pauses the game at a certain key point of the loading giving you access to the database.

    8. A Breakpoint tab will appear and critical activities will appear. You can click EXECUTE to continue loading or sometimes an "Edit Response" tab will appear and you can change certain values there. 

    9. The following screenshot shows you some of the important features that I will mention. You can usually edit the database straight from the AMF (Action Message Format). Some of my old cheats used this feature to edit coins, cash, experience, weapons, nearly everything in the database.  Developers are getting smarter though and will attempt to block such database editing.
    10. Always remember to go back to the Session tab and remove the Breakpoints by right clicking the activity again and selecting 'Breakpoints' Make sure the breakpoint tab is completed executed/canceled away first.

    Hope this helps you understand Charles application better. Feel free to ask any questions in the comments.

    How To use Fiddler

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    I still see a lot of questions on using Fiddlers so I hope this post solves everything and answer everyone's questions too.Please read till the end so you will be a Fiddler Expert :p Questions are at the end of this post and it will help answer most of your questions.

    1. Firstly, you will need to install Fiddler2 on your computer. You can get it at the Tools Section [link].

    2. Open it and you should see an application like this. We will only focus only certain features: Capture Traffic, Autoresponder, How to replace database.

    3. For Google Chrome and Internet Explorer users, just Ensure that Capture Traffic is enabled and you can see the URLS appear when you load a webpage. For Firefox Users, you will need to ensure Fiddler settings is Force Traffic to Fiddler whenever you want to use Fiddler.

    4. Now for example, each time I say replace 'database.dat' or 'restaurant.bin' or 'gameSettings', just Click on the 'Find' in Fiddler and search for 'database', or 'restaurant' or 'gameSettings' and the url will be highlighted in yellow as seen in the screenshot below.

    5. Now, you can either Right click it and Select Copy Just URL and click 'Add' in the Autoresponder.
    OR you can just drag it into the Autoresponder tab.

    6. To replace the database, just select the dropdown menu and select Find A File and browse to the file that I asked you to download. And click Save.

    7. Now just clear cache and reload the game and it will be replaced.
    For IE users, just click Clear Cache in Fiddler2 to clear cache.
    For Chrome users, Click on the Spanner, Go to Options, Under the Hood, and Clear Browsing Data and clear everything for the cache.
    For Firefox users, you should have this menu at the lower right corner.
    Just click on Clear Firefox Cache. :) Always clear cache if you think the database is not loaded/replaced as it will help.

    1. Im getting a HTTP error protocol message pop up. Help!
      In fiddler, go to Tools, Fiddler Options, General Tab and untick "Show a message when HTTP protocol...."
    2. I cannot load my game when using Fiddler. Help!
      You can try loading it on other browsers like Chrome or IE or Firefox. Try all 3 first and if it still doesnt load, you may need a faster computer and connection as it is using a proxy connection to load the game. Try it on an account with lesser items or at a friends house with fast connection.
    3. Mayor kept appearing!! Help!
      You have a slow connection, just keep refreshing. It will help :) I know cause it happens to me when my net is slow too.

    Alternate Ways of Using Fiddler.

    Nightclub City // Instant Lvl 40

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    Credits: dfspeter

    Tools (download all tools in the Tools section):
    • cheat engine 5.6
    • firefox
    • flash 10
    1. Go into NightClub City [ click to play ]
    2. Open Cheat Engine
    3. Select browser in process list
    4. Scan Settings [tick hex, array of bytes, Also scan read only mem]
    5. Scan "0F830F0000008B5DF0"
    6. 1 address returned. Disassemble it
    7. Right click selected code and select 'Replace with code that does nothing'
    8. Bam, level 40. My previous Money cheat still works.

    Pet Society // Coins Cheat

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    Credits: nofil2000

    Tools (download all tools in the Tools section):
    1. Download Giant Plushie Database from the links above.
    2. Using fiddler, replace both database.dat and shopgarden2105.dat
    3. Enter Pet Society and go to the Garden where you will see the Monster Plushie.
      (If you do not, clear browser cache and reload Pet Society while ensuring Fiddler is capturing traffic)
    4. Buy 99 Giant Monster Plushies.
    5. Open all boxes.
    6. Turn off Fiddler and reload PS.
    7. Sell each Plushie for 999
    8. Remember there is a limit for the number of coins you can earn each day. So if you cannot save, it means you have hit the limit for the coins. The limit should be around 65k coins +/-