Pet Society // Old Easy Dig Method

Download Easy Dig [ sharecash | upload | megaupload ] // choose your preferred download link
Download Easy Level [ sharecash | upload | megaupload ] // choose your preferred download link 

Required Tools [Download these tools | Tool's Tutorial ]:
  • Download above required files
  • Fiddler (read the tutorial if you do not know how to replace)

I beg everyone to read this first:

Alright, Zoey would be extremely appreciative if EVERYONE who uses this cheat can feedback to her so that the cheat gets improved and bans/suspensions will be less common. Basically, just download both Easy Dig and Easy Level from the links above.

Easy Dig consists of- The old "scan" treasure method of digging, auto harvest, fast fishing, all pets dirty, fast cleaning, use your neighbor's dye table.

Easy Level consists of- When you scrub other people's pets, you get a lot MORE pet points and thus level more quickly.

Basically, we want to find out if interchanging between both files will help reduce the bans and Zoey will combine both cheat into her next file.

So switch between ezlevel and ezdig (no cache clearing needed, just a refresh). You can simulate this by digging with their cash shovels with ezdig, then switching to ezlevel and digging normally on the coin maps for a bit. When using ezlevel, go clean some pets too. Basically, just do other stuff between each digs and comment if you find that the risk of getting suspended is reduced. I know some of the younger kids will not comprehend what I am asking so kindly only comment if you know what we are asking for :p     

Note: Both .swf files uses the same rule editor. So you will need to keep changing it. 

Remember to thank for her awesome contributions!

So I understand that some people get suspended for 24 hours using this cheat. Basically, I think getting treasures triggers some kind of security check. Of coz, if you are afraid of getting permanently banned, use this cheat only on your other account.

New pets gets the female newcomer stuff. (choose a female gender just in case) :
  1. Download the files above.
  2. Open Fiddler.
  3. Go to Autoresponder and ensure both 'Enable Automatic.. ' and 'Permit pass...' are ticked
  4. Click ADD.
  5. A 'String To Match' will appear. change it to
  6. Click on the ▼ button beside the Save and select 'Browse a file'.
  7. Browse to the files that you have downloaded above and select the file you just downloaded from me 'pets3.2.81-ezdig.swf'     / ezlevel.swf
  8. Click SAVE.
  9. Now, just clear cache and load Pet Society.
  10. Now just enter digging land and "SCAN" for treasures before digging...


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